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母爱无比伟大 小鼠倍感温暖(下)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/12 14:04  空中美语




  Mrs. Frisby gets to the owl's nest, but the wise bird's words give her little comfort. He tells her that Timothy's life cannot be saved. As she is leaving, however, the owl suggests1 that she ask the rats for help. This gives Mrs. Frisby new hope.

  The rats agree to help Mrs. Frisby, but only if somebody will drug the farmer's mean cat. When Mrs. Frisby volunteers,2 the rats are concerned3 for her safety.4 But Mrs. Frisby says that, as Timothy's mother, she cannot sit by while her son dies. The rats have no choice but to let her try.

  Mrs. Frisby is willing to sacrifice5 her own life to save her son's. By doing so, she proves that her love for her children is stronger than all her fears. Hers is a true example of the strength of a mother's love.

  by Wade Barnett


  ●drug 下毒

  ●mean 讨厌的

母爱无比伟大 小鼠倍感温暖(下)

  Sentence 4U:

  sit by“坐视不理”,例如:

  Many people sit by and do nothing when they see a car accident.





英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. suggest

v. to give sb. an idea about what he or she should do 建议
If you're sick, I suggest you go see a doctor.

2. volunteer

v. to do sth. without being forced or getting paid 自愿
Ernie volunteered to drive the hurt man to the hospital.

3. concerned

adj. worried 顾及,关心
I want you to wear warm clothes because I'm concerned for your health.

4. safety

n. without danger 安全
For your safety, please fasten your seat belt while sitting in the car.

5. sacrifice

v. to give up sth. of one's own in order to help sb. else 牺牲
I sacrificed my whole weekend to help my brother with his science report.


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