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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 接近你的机会

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/13 13:51  新浪教育

  I was very sad when my friend Dennis moved to another country. We met four years ago in a music class. When we met each other, we just clicked. After a while I became to like him more. One day he asked me for my phone number. His voice was shaking and I wondered why. I gave him my number and he gave me his. Yet I never called because I was to scared to try.



  ①these two students were asked to shut up because they kept clicking all the time.


  Later he had to switched to another class. I was very sad since he was so talented he was advanced to another class. He asked me if he should go. I told him he should when my heart didn't want him to leave. After he switched classes I rarely talked to him. I didn't even say hi anymore.



  Emily has to switch to another city for her parents got their jobs changed.


  Then later I found out he had moved to Korea. After I found that out. I wished I talked to him more.

  My wish came true. I signed up for hotmail and decided to search for him. Oddly enough I found his profile. I then e-mailed him.


  ③sign up.注册

  I signed up for ICQ and decided to learn English with the foreigners.



  from her profile in the OICQ I know that she is in the same city with me.


  The next day I was on msn messenger, someone im me. It was him and I was so thrilled. I could feel my heart beating fast. We talked about the past. I told him how a burrito would remind me of the time we ate lunch together. I found out during our conversation, he had liked me. After I found that out, I couldn't help smiling the whole day.

  We e-mailed each other for few months. Then I found out he wasshavingsa vacation in Hawaii. I was so happy he was coming here to Hawaii. I didn't meet him. I'm only a teen and I had no way of transporting myself there.


  ⑴I could hear my heart beating fast.




  真正的墨西哥玉米饼没有吃过,但是一次在上海一个有名的烤肉店吃过国产的玉米饼,美国朋友问我:"this is Mexico Burrito? ",我说:"no, this is not Mexico Burrito, this is Chinese Burrito."

  He left back to his home after a few days. I wish I could met him.. Then later I was given a second chance. My mother told me about going to Korea for vacation in winter. I was surprised when she told me. It was supposed to be a cultural experience for me. I cried when she told me. I was so happy.

  On the airplane I could only think about Dennis. Gosh I was weird for teen. Well anyway, I stayed at a very nice hotel. It was weird. The hotel end up being close to where dennis lives.

  I e-mailed him and we planed to meet at the hotel in the lobby(大厅). I told I would sit by a white piano. While I waited for him, I drew the piano in my little sketch book. He then came a few minutes after with his dad and his sister at his side.


  ⑤Gosh! (口头禅!)


  ⑥sketch book!写生簿

  when I passed the garden along the river , I could see lot of students draw the river scenery in their sketch books.


  I guess they were both curious to find out who I was. I remember his dad telling Dennis," Welllet's go look and ask" Then I looked straight at Dennis and I saw him looked at me the same exact moment. It's like I knew that was him. His dad and his sister left him alone. I chatted with Dennis and couldn't believe how he changed in four years. He used to be a short guy wearing his glasses and his hair combed in half. Now he was taller, wearing contacts, and very handsome. We had a great time. He acted like a gentlemen and opened the taxi door. Also he payed for everything. I wasn't sure what our meeting would be called. He walked me to his house. I met his parents and then his dad drove me back to the hotel.

  Dennis walked me back to the lobby. We stood there for while. I said goodbye to him. I didn't even hug him or anything. I still can't believe that. I wanted to so bad but I never have too guts to do it.

  I left on the dec 31 back home. I'm glad I finally met him again. I've realized that Dennis is a very sweet guy. I will always love him and I hope he lives on well.


  ⑶i like to have my hair combed in half.


  ⑷She used to wear glasses but now she got contacts.


  ⑸I will always walk her back to the dorm after our date.



  Sadam really has the guts to be against the Bush administration!


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