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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第三册 > Lesson Two口语部分英译汉篇

Lesson Two口语部分英译汉篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/13 15:03  新浪教育
  Interpret the followingsintos Chinese.


  dole: an informal name for government money given to poor people

  dime: US/data0/apache/share/cgi-bin/publish/doc_edit.pl.10 coin

  Aid: the formal name of government money given to the poor

  handout: money given to poor people, usually by wealthier people

  check: a bank receipt that a person can take to the bank and turn in for cash


  I just don't like doles. I wouldn't accept one dime from anybody. I'm not gonna raise my children on Aid. Why should I? There's enough money in America for me to raise my children. Now one is seventeen, one is twenty-one. And I absolutely refuse to accept these handouts from anyone. How am I gonna teach these children of mine what a pleasure it is in accomplishment? Do you realize what it means if I'm gonna sit here and accept this check?

  ADC: Aid to Dependent Children , a US government program to provide money to women with children whose husbands had died or abandoned their family hiring'em: hiring them

  category: classification

  make it: make enough money to obtain their basic needs; survive

  plum: something highly prized

  Everybody's screaming now, "Oh, these women on ADC." Why hasn't somebody told these people that they're on ADC because you gave all this money to keep from hiring 'em? Years and years ago. This didn't just start, you know. You don't keep people in a certain category for hundreds of years and expect them to come out and do all these things. For generations and generations they've been just barely making it. Now what do you expect? Plums?

  Negro: a black person, now usually offensive term. Use instead African American, man of color, woman of color, or people of color

  defy: do something that is against someone else's rules

  got so: the situation became so that…

  old time: a fun time

  I happened to be the kind of Negro that became controversial, because I read such things as The American Dilemma and I walk around with the book in my hand, see? I defied them in so many ways, I almost terrified them. You know, it got so every time I got on an elevator-"What are you reading, Lucy? What are you reading? What are you reading?" I'd begin to enjoy this thing, you know? I wasshavings the best old time.

  damn: almost

  have a ball: have fun; enjoy oneself particularly well

  heading: the top of a page

  intern: a student who practicing as part of his or her study to be a doctor

  get on: start saying…

  Here's this Negro woman, every time you see her she's reading a different book. You know what I'd do? I'd go to the library and read those books, and I'd just dash back home and read these. And truly it became a game with me. I don't think I ever had more fun in my life than I had working there.

  I guess I was damn near fifty then. That's the reason I say I was havin' a ball. I'm carrying the book by Faulkner, paperback, in my pocket, you know. This particular time I didn't realize that the heading of the book was sticking out just a little above. The students, doctors, interns got on-"Faulkner!"

  stereo thing: stereotypes

  glare at: stare angrily

  You're just breaking down this stereo thing that all Negroes are ignorant, they won't read, they won't do this. They won't help themselves. Once they see you're trying to do it ... You see what? They're not really worrying so much about the Negro; they're worried about themselves. When I really want to fight'em, you know what I do? I glare at 'em. They cringe.

  get letters: get notices from the school

  little item: school notices

  work up (to his capacity): work as much as he has the ability to workvague: unclear

  Crane High: the name of a high school

  ghetto: the poor section of a town

  be laid off (from): be let go from your job because the company does not have enough money to keep you or is changing its structure

  cock my hat Miss Johnny Aside: place your hat on the side rather than the top of your head

  Julian was doing very poorly in school and I was getting letters. You know, they send all these little items. Come to see me, come to school, because your child is not working up to his capacity. I don't know why they just don't tell you the truth about it, instead of using all these vague, false phrases. I thought he was just being lazy, but the child couldn't read. He couldn't spell. We were at Crane High, out there in the ghetto. I was laid off from work the next day. I got up, cocked my hat Miss Johnny Aside -I wanted them to know I was plenty mad then. Oh yeah, I visited Crane.

  in a row: one after the next

  auditorium: a large room in the school used for sports and for gathering all the school's students together at once (such as for a special school-wide announcement)

  put up this business: handle

  blah, blah, blah: and so on

  Julian wasshavingsthree study periods in a row. Gee, this is kind of crazy-studying what? I went to see this study hall. And this is the auditorium. It has a false ceiling, and there's very few lights, and there's children everywhere, male and female, and about the only thing they can do is make love. Most of the kids can't read anyway, but if they could, they wouldn't be able to see. So I went to the counselor and he said, "It costs ,000 to put up this business of putting lights in, and the school system doesn't have money," and blah, blah, blah. I said, "But in the meantime, what are you going to do about all these children in there, these boys and girls, these young men and women?"I said, "Maybe they can't read but they can do other things in there, such as getting babies."

  bet: can guess

  disgrace: absolutely without honor

  storefront: the front section of a store that includes a large window

  do any good: is not worth anything

  lifeblood: what makes life worth living

  crap: other unimportant things

  You're talking about teachers. I bet he never had the same teacher twice in two weeks in two years. It's a disgrace to call these places schools. Schools you learn in. They could take a storefront anywhere and clean it up, put some seats in there, and put some books in. But see, you can't learn anythingswheresthere is no book.. Julian went a whole year in Crane, didn't have a book. If I woke up in a house that didn't have a book, I'd just burn it down. It wouldn't do any good. To me, they're my lifeblood. Types of caps, gowns, all that crap, it doesn't mean nothing.

  rear: raise (a child)

  thrill: something fun

  Oh, what am I really looking for? My daughter to have her baby. I would like for her to finish her college education. She's gonna need it, to help her child, to rear her child. The only thrill left for me is to see my grandchild come and to see what I can do about him. Won't that be fun?

  paint: make pictures with colored liquid

  count: what is important is…

  hostile: angry and unfriendly

  one has had it: you are finished; you have been given a last chance and has failed

  You know, I'll be able to afford things that would give him incentive to paint, music, literature, all these things that would free his little soul. Let's face it. What counts is knowledge. And feeling. You see, there's such a thing as a feeling tone. One is friendly, one is hostile. And if you don't have this, baby, you've had it. You're dead.


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