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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 萍踪侠影:吴哥窟的落日余晖(下)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/19 12:58  空中美语




  Angkor Wat has awed visitors since it was first built in the early twelfth century. From the ground to the top of its central tower, the temple stands about as tall as a thirty-story building. At the main entrance, I admire the achievement of Angkor Wat's ancient architects.

  Just past the main entrance is a cross-shaped courtyard. Its upper walls are covered with carved images of dancers; a stone reminder of the women who filled these halls with movement, color and music long ago. I notice that what looked like a single building from the outside is, in fact, a collection of stairs, hallways and galleries built on many levels.

  From here, I start up the steep stairs leading to the highest level of the temple—the symbolic mountain home of Shiva. As I climb higher, I reflect on man's desire to sit on the throne of the gods. Every step taken seems to bring me closer to heaven.

  More Information/仅供参考;不须强记

  1.awe v.使(某人)敬畏

  2.courtyard n.庭院

  3.throne n.王座;御座





英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. entrance

n. a place where sb./sth. can go in; an opening 入口处

2. carve

v. to cut sth. into a certain shape 雕刻

3. gallery

n. a place where a collection of art can be viewed 陈列室

4. steep

adj. tending to continue up or down at an extreme angle 陡峭的

5. symbolic

nadj. serving as a representation of sth. 象征性的

6. reflect on

v. phr. to think carefully about sth. 思考


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