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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 烧断保险丝

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/18 10:50  世博英语



  1) You've got a short fuse.

  NOTE1:注意got a的连读;

  NOTE2: It means that you have a bad temper.

  2) You are just beating a dead horse.


  NOTE2: It means that you are just wasting your breath.


  Here is a story:

  When Andy was in colege, his roommate Peter hated the smell of garlic while Andy liked it so much. One evening when Andy wasshavingsgarlic as usual, Peter came in and said, Uh, my garlic! So that'sswheresthe stinky smell came from. Get out of here! Andy looked up and said, I had garlic every day and you didn't say anything, so why today? Maybe you've got a short fuse today. Garlic smells stinky and tastes good and it can... While Andy was saying this, Peter went out without listening to the next words. Um, I'm just beating a dead hourse, Andy said to himself.

  1) You've got a short fuse.你脾气有点暴躁。

  2) You are just beating a dead horse.你在白费唇舌。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. You are trying to persuade someone not to take risk, but he does not listen to you. So what do you think you are doing?

  S2. Someone stepped on John's foot in the elevator and he got angry and quarreled with that guy. What do you think of John?

  S3. The Chinese language has many dialects. What do you think you are doing when you talk to someone who does not understand what you are talking about though you are both Chinese?


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