Lesson 2:Madame Curie(1) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/21 16:08 新浪教育 |
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Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of radium. Marie Curie was born in Poland, on November 7th, 1867. When she was young, she became interested in physics and read as many books as she could on the subject. At that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland, so Marie was determined to go to Paris and study there. She arrived in Paris in 1891. She had very little money to live on,ate very little and was always cold in winter. There was a small fire in her room,but she had to carry coal up six floors and wear an overcoat in her small room to keep warm. She succeeded in taking a firstclass degree in physics two years after arriving inPairs. After graduation she took another degree in mathematics. In 1895 she married Pierre Curie, a very bright scientist who was teaching at the School of Physics and Industrial Chemistry at Paris. Marie started to do research, even though she had very little equipment and no money. Not long before another scientist had found that uranium gave off rays, so Marie decided to study this area for her doctor's degree. She gave these rays a new name“radioactive”. One day she made an important discovery. There was a certain mineral which was even more radioactive than uranium. Therefore, she decided, it must contain some other matter that no one had yet discovered. In 1898 she discoveredthe first of these new redioactive minerals, which she named“polonium”in honour of her motherland—Poland, and on which she wrote a research paper. From then on, Marie and Pierre worked together on their research. They devoted all their hours to working in their laboratory. As months went by, the work seemed endless. Marie described her thoughts in words much like this:“Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work hard at it until we succeed.” One evening in 1902 as she was sitting with Pierre at home, she said to him,“Let's go down to the laboratory again.”It was nine o'clock and they had been there only two hours before.They put on their overcoats and went down to the laboratory. As they opened the door on the ground floor, Marie said,“Don'tlight the lamps. Look!”On the laboratory bench was a glass container from which came a tiny soft light. It was what they had been working so hard to find: pure radium. The matter that the Curies had discovered was radium. It looked like ordinary salt, but was one million times more radioactive than uranium. Its rays could go through every mineral except lead. In 1903 Marie received her doctor's degree for her study on radioactive matter. Altogether, between 1899 and 1904 she and Pierre wrote 34 articles about their work. Marie Curie never made money out of her research. She refused to treat these new discoveries as though they belonged to her, and instead shared all her knowledge with the whole scientific world. |
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第二课:居里夫人(一)之课文翻译 |
居里夫人作为镭的发现者将永远为人们所怀念。玛丽-居里于1867年11月7日出生于波兰。她年轻时就对物理很感兴趣,关尽可能多地阅读了有关物理学方面的书籍。当时在波兰,妇女是不允许上大学的,因此,玛丽决定去巴黎学习。她于1891年到达巴黎。她的生活费很少,吃的也很少,冬天还经常挨冻。房间里只有一小盆火,而她还必须把煤搬上六楼,在她那间小房子里,她得穿上大衣来保暖。在她到巴黎两年以后,她顺利地取得了一级物理学位。毕业后她又取得数学学位。1895年她同一位聪明的科学家皮埃尔-居里结了婚,皮埃尔当时在巴黎理化工学院教书。在这期间,尽管设备很少又没有经费,玛丽还是开始了研究工作,在此之前不久,另外一位科学家发现过铀元素的放射现象,于是玛丽决定攻读这方面的博士学位。她给这种射线取了一个新名字,叫“辐射”。有一天,她取得了一个重要的发现。有一种矿物的放射性甚至比铀还强。于是,她断定,这种矿物里必定含有某种未曾被人发现的其他物质。1898年她发现了这些新放射性矿物中的第一种。为向她的祖国——波兰表示敬意,她把这种矿物取名为“钋”,并写了一篇关于钋的研究论文。从那以后,玛丽和皮埃尔就一道从事研究工作了。他们把全部时间投入了试验室工作。时间一个月一个月地过去了,工作似乎没有止境。玛丽曾经用这样的文字表述过她的思想:“生活对于我们任何人都不容易。我们必须工作。尤其重要的是,我们必须对自己有信心。我们必须相信,我们每一个人都能把某件事情办好;而且,当我们发现这事情是什么的时候,我们就必须努力干下去,直到成功为止。” 1902年的一个夜晚,她和皮埃尔坐在家里,她对皮埃尔说:“咱们再去一下实验室吧”。这时已经是九点了,就在两个小时前他们曾去过那里。他们披上大衣向实验室走去。当他们打开一楼的门时,玛丽说:“别开灯。你瞧!”从实验室工作台上的一个玻璃器皿中发出一种微弱的光。这就是他们一直辛勤劳动、孜孜以求的东西:纯镭。居里夫妇发现的物质就是镭。它看起来就像普通的食盐一样,但它的放射性比铀要大一百万倍。它的射线可以穿透除铅以外的所有其它矿物质。由于她在放射性物质方面的研究,玛丽于1903年获得了博士学位。在1899年到1904年之间,她和皮埃尔就他们的研究工作写了共34篇论文。玛丽-居里从来没有通过她的研究来赚过钱。她不同意把这些新发现看作是属于她自己的东西,而是献出自己的全部知识,与整个科学界共享。 |
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