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《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 4
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/29 15:53  新浪教育

  1、Weather in mountainous areas is quite mutable.


  2、It is always gusty here on our prarie farm.


  3、Many great classical composers completed their symphonies with grand finales.


  4、It isn't fair to ascribe their poverty to laziness.


  5、He thought he saw an oasis but it was only a mirage.


  6、I wondered what kind of artist would have created something so atypical.


  7、She suffered from continual bouts of moodiness after recovering from her long illness.


  8、She often dreamt about owning a graceful home in some pastoral setting.


  9、The defendant remained impassive when the guilty verdict was announced.


  10、Some cynical people believe in total negation.


  11、Being personable in front of the cameras helped her in public life.


  12、That officious waiter ruined our date.



《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 4

  1、mutable adj.易变的;可变的fickle

  2、gusty adj.刮风的

  3、finale n.终曲;终场

  4、ascribe v.归因于 同refer; attribute; assign

  5、mirage n.海市蜃楼;幻想* oasis n.绿洲

  6、atypical adj.非典型的

  7、moodiness n.忧郁 同depression; gloom

  8、pastoral adj.田园的

  9、impassive adj.无感情的;不觉痛苦的* defendant n.被告verdict n.判决

  10、negation n.否定;否认 同denial * cynical adj.愤世嫉俗的

  11、personable adj.貌美的;动人的 同attractive; charming

  12、officious adj.好管闲事的 同meddlesome; obtrusive

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