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《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 8
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/04 15:16  新浪教育

  1、After winning a gold medal, the athlete was feted in his hometown.


  2、The saying "time is money" has become a cliché.


  3、The impious eccentric hadn't been to church for years.


  4、An eminent physician was called to diagnose his strange illness.


  5、On arrival, each tourist was given a circlet of flowers.


  6、Today many couples are experiencing marital problems.


  7、A good chess player knows how to exploit an opponent's infirmities.


  8、She loathed the noise of the central district and finally moved to the suburbs.


  9、Her appearance gave people the illusive impression that she was haughty.


  10、He had to wait several days for a definitive answer.


  11、Tourist offices usually have many colorful brochures.


  12、The food energized the starving men and they were able to continue on their journey.



《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 8

  1、fete v.宴请;庆祝


  3、impious adj.不敬的;不孝的

  同 irreverent; profane* eccentric n.古怪的人

  4、eminent adj.著名的;卓越的

  同 distinguished; well-known反obscure

  * diagnose v.诊断

  5、circlet n.戒指;小圈

  6、marital adj.婚姻的

  7、infirmity n.弱点 同 weakness* exploit v.利用

  8、loathe v.厌恶;嫌恶 同 detest; abhor

  9、illusive adj.虚幻的;错觉的

  10、definitive adj.确定的;最后的 同 conclusive; ultimate 反 tentative

  11、brochure n.手册 同 pamphlet

  12、energize v.使精力充沛;使活动

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