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《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 7
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/01 16:07  新浪教育

  1、The hunters tried to cleave a path through the jungle.


  2、The workers in the construction site were sweltering in the heat.


  3、His political career was blighted by the scandal.


  4、Her affected mannerisms made us all sick.


  5、The bleak countryside attracted only the hardiest of settlers.


  6、Psychologists study the complexities of the human psyche.


  7、Her maternal love helped him through that difficult time.


  8、Small mischances often ruin great plans.


  9、The children's faces were very animated when they came home from the circus.


  10、He had made a very subjective judgement on her performance.


  11、Playing guitar was only her avocation at first, but later it became her sole occupation.


  12、In his voice she could detect a certain tinge of irony.



《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 7

  1、cleave v.劈开;打通 cleavage n.

  2、swelter v.汗流浃背;中暑

  3、blight v.毁灭;破坏 同 ruin; destroy

  4、affected adj.造作的;不自然的affectation n.矫揉造作 同 artificial; pretended

  5、bleak adj.寒冷的;荒凉的 barren

  6、psyche n.灵魂;精神

  7、maternal adj.母亲的

  8、mischance n.不幸同misfortune; mishap

  9、animated adj.充满朝气的;生动的animation n.活动;生动同dynamic; lively反lifeless

  10、subjective adj.主观的反objective

  11、avocation n.副业;嗜好

  12、irony n.反语法;嘲讽ironical adj.讽刺* detect v.发现tinge n.意味

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