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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 自讨苦吃

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/06 10:16  世博英语



  1) I've been getting the runs.


  NOTE2: It means that I'mshavingsa terrible upset stomach these days.

  2) The thirst is killing me.


  NOTE2: It shows that I'm so eager to have a glass of water.


  Here is a dialogue between the mother and her son:

  -Wow, the thirst is killing me.

  -What did you do just now?

  -I was playing football with some of my friends and I didn't drink a drop of water.swheresis the icecream?

  -Don't be in such a hurry. You need to relax for a moment.

  2 hours later....

  -Mum, I think I am getting the runs.


  -Just now I had three scoops of icecream and took a shower in cold water. Now I am not feeling very well in my stomach.

  -That serves you right. I have told you not to do that right after your exercise.

  1) I've been getting the runs.这些天我在闹肚子。

  2) The thirst is killing me.我渴死了。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. The teacher has been talking in the whole morning. He didn't drink water at all. So what will be his feeling after he finishes the class?

  S2. During the two hours, Tom had some hotdogs, three scoops of icecream, etc. Now he is not feeling very well. What has happened to Tom in your opinion?

  S3. You have been walking in the hot desert for two days in search of water, but you still haven't found any. What is your feeling now?


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