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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/06 11:03  寄托天下




  1.新产品是否能够代替传统工具的问题(7-DC vs印刷品;155-读书vs现代方式;159-人脑vs机器)








  1.新产品是否能够代替传统工具的问题(7-DC vs印刷品;155-读书vs现代方式;159-人脑vs机器)

  7 "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."

  155"Contemporary society offers so many ways of learning that reading books is no longer very important."

  159 "The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds."


  30"The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time."

  124 "Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of these recent developments are designed to save time. Ironically, though, instead of making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before."

  66"As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate."

  88 "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."

  107 "Instant communication systems encourage people to form hasty opinions and give quick replies rather than take the time to develop thoughtful, well-reasoned points of view."

  151"High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication."

  114"Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity."

  129"Technology is a necessary but not always a positive force in modern life."

  135 "While most of the environmental problems we face result from the use of technology, society must depend upon technology to find solutions to these problems."

  166"Over the past century, the most significant contribution of technology has been to make people's lives more comfortable."

  196"Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."

  219"Now that computer technology has made possible the rapid accessing of large amounts of factual information, people are less likely than ever to think deeply or originally. They feel unable to compete with -- much less contribute to -- the quantity of information that is now available electronically."


  69"Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development"


  115"It is through the use of logic and of precise, careful measurement that we become aware of our progress. Without such tools, we have no reference points to indicate how far we have advanced or retreated."


  119 "When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people's lives will be improved if the results are successful?"


  150 "Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete."

  233 "Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning."

  237."Computers and video technology can make facsimiles of original works such as paintings and historical documents available to everyone. The great advantage of this new technology is that it will enable anyone—not just scholars—to conduct in-depth research without \having\ access to the original works."

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