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《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 11
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/11 13:00  新浪教育

  1、We hope she will find solace in the thought that we are standing by her all the time.


  2、It is useless to try and educe sympathy from a man like him.


  3、His interest in cosmic things increased after he was given a telescope.


  4、Doctors could do nothing about his chronic asthma.


  5、The idea of a utopia has always fascinated all human beings.


  6、The Chairman of the Board decided to convoke a meeting when he heard that profits had decreased.


  7、The 1960s was a time of social turbulence in America.


  8、These stories are told in colloquial language.


  9、Zoos often have a great diversity of animals.


  10、She abhors any form of cruelty.


  11、An airplane accelerates during take-off


  12、Chinese calligraphy requires a steady hand.



《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 11

  1、solace n.安慰 同 comfort; consolation

  2、educe v.引出;演绎 同 elicit

  3、cosmic adj.宇宙的;广大无边的

  4、chronic adj.慢性的;长期的

  * asthma n.气喘

  5、utopia n.乌托邦;理想国 utopian adj.

  6、convoke v.召集(会议)

  同 assemble; convene; summon dismiss

  7、turbulence n.动乱;骚乱

  同 disturbance; agitation

  8、colloquial adj.口语的

  9、diversity n.不同;多样

  同 variety; dissimilitude

  10、abhor v.憎恶;痛恨abhorrence n.

  同detest; loathe

  11、accelerate v.加速进行acceleration n.

  同 speed up 反 retard

  12、calligraphy n.书法

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