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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 你到底什么意思

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/15 10:08  世博英语




  1) What are you driving at?


  NOTE2: It means that what do you really want to say?

  2) It beats me.


  NOTE2: It means that I cannot work it out.


  Here is a story:

  Today Anthony was especially good to me. When he saw me, he said that I was so cool today. Then he said that I would have a prosperous future in this company, and so on. I was feeling something different, for Anthony had never been so kind to me like that before. What are you driving at? I asked my colleagues, they said that our manager had announced that I would be a future department manager. Wow, that was a piece of good news for me. Maybe Anthony had heard of it and he wanted to get something good from me. Hmm, this kind of people usually beat me a lot.

  1) What are you driving at?你到底是什么意思?

  2) It beats me.这个难倒我了。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. You have been working on this mathematic question for the whole afternoon and you still haven't worked it out. When the teacher is asking you the answer to this question, what would you say?

  S2. He is beating around the bush now. If you want to know directly what he really wants to do, how can you ask him?

  S3. Andy enjoys music so much, but he cannot sing well. One day, when Andy was giving the lesson, the students asked him to sing an English song. What would be Andy's answer?


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