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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/20 09:39  世博英语


  一个人要找个知心的朋友并不容易,所以有句俗话叫“人生得一知己足矣!”,如果你有了一个真心的朋友,你们的交情一定很深厚了。这里“交情深厚的”,可以用一个比较传神的英文表达来表示:be joined at the hip.

  The two are joined at the hip.


  hip本来的意思是指“臀部”即the two areas at the sides of someone’s body between the tops of their legs and their waists.如果有两个人的hip是连接在一起的(be joined),其密切程度就可见一斑了,所以用这个片语来表示“交情极厚的”。又如:

  John and May are joined at the hip. Whatever difficulties anyone of the two suffered from, they always helped each other.


  生活中也有些自称为“交情很深的”人,他们多半都是酒肉朋友,二两白酒下肚就豪言壮语,信口开河起来。对了,这里信口开河可以用英文:shoot from the hip来表示。

  Sorry, I said that. I shouldn’t have shot from the hip.


  shoot from the hip意思是“信口开河”,即speak without thinking or speak impulsively。如果你说某人是shoot from the hip,那么你的意思就是说这个人对情况的反映或发表自己的看法意见很迅速,根本没有仔细的思考过,即if you say that someone shoot from the hip, you mean that they react to situations or give their opinion very quickly, without stopping to think. For another example:

  You don’t have to shoot from the hip, you have the leisure to think, to decide.



  They thought I had got the hots for Lily? It was shooting from the hip!


  结束语:今天我们学习了两个片语,be joined at the hip指交情很深的;shoot from the hip意思是信口开河,也可以译为“胡说八道”,也可以用fire from the hip来表示,这点请注意。


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