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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/27 09:52  世博英语




  1) He is a bit trying today.

  NOTE1: trying这里不是正在努力的意思,而是一个形容词;

  NOTE2: It means that he is a little boring today.

  2) Beat it!


  NOTE2: It means that you must go away.


  Here is a story:

  I was planning to make the ABC program, but my younger brother was playing net games, so I asked him to go away. He didn't move, which made my angry. I said, "Beat it!" He was a bit annoyed. Finally he entered the bedroom and turned on the TV. It was so noisy that I couldn't record in such a noisy environment. Then I went into the room and shouted at him, "You are a bit trying today. Now you'd better turn it down or put it on mute."

  1) He is a bit trying today.他今天有点惹人烦。

  2) Beat it!走开!


  Here are three situations:

  S1. His words made me angry. His behavior made me annoyed. What did I mean?

  S2. I am reading a book now, but my younger brother is hitting a drum nearby. What should I do?

  S3. Some people are holding a barbecue party on the lawn in the park. Suppose you are the supervisor here, what will you do?


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