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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 趁兴而去,败兴而归

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/12 10:47  世博英语




  1) Give me a ring!

  NOTE1: ring这里不是戒指,而是铃声;

  NOTE2: Give me a call!

  2) The party was really a drag.

  NOTE1:补充短语:to have a drag with sb.与某人有交情;

  NOTE2: It means that the party was so bad and uninteresting.


  Here is a story:

  On the wedding ceremony, the bride and bridegroom were so busy that they didn't have enough time to talk with me. I felt a bit sad. Even worse, the rest seven guests at my table all kept silent and nobody once stood up to propose a toast. That wedding was really a drag for me, I thought. After the meal, I went back home. As soon as I got home, I heard my phone ringing. It was the bridegroom. He said he was so sorry the he didn't drink with me. I said it didn't matter, but he insisted that he would treat me sometime in the future. Of course, I was glad to hear that and said, "Ok, when you have time, just give me a ring."

  1) Give me a ring!给我打电话吧!

  2) The party was really a drag.宴会很没有意思。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. Nowadays, a lot of people have their mobile phones. So when they meet, they exchange their phone numbers. And when they leave, what do they usually say to each other?

  S2. You were so glad to attend a party, but finally you found people there were not hospitable. Then how would you think of the party?

  S3. We have many ways to communicate with others like surface letters, Emails. What other ways do we have?


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