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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 世界上首辆高速水陆两栖车

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/10 13:09  世博英语




  New amphibious sports car crosses the Thames

  Associated Press


  Britain's newest amphibious car took a test drive on Wednesday, zooming back and forth across the waters of the Thames River in pure James Bond style.“


  【讲解】amphibious的意思是Able to operate both on land and in water:水陆两用的。“amphibious car”就是水路两用车;amphibious tanks.水陆两用坦克。

  zoom,To move about rapidly,swoop.快速移动、猛扑。The motorbike zoomed past us.摩托车从我们旁边飞驰而过。

  The Aquada can hit speeds of 160 kilometres an hour on land - and once it hits water, the wheels retract into the wheel arch, jets kick in, and the car is suddenly a boat. The vehicle can switch to cruising on water within seconds and once waterborne it can reach speeds of 50 km/h, according to Gibbs Technologies, the British firm that designed it.


  【讲解】cruise, To sail or travel about, as for pleasure or reconnaissance.为娱乐或侦察而进行航行或巡航

  waterborne, Floating on or supported by water,afloat.漂浮的,由水浮起或支持的;漂浮的。这个词还有一个意思是Transported by water,水运的。Waterborne freight,水运货物。

  With a sticker price of about 15 0,000 pound, the convertible has no doors insgroupsto avoid leaks. Drivers and passengers must jump over the side to get into the car. One hundred of the cars are being built and will sell at the end of this year


  【讲解】sticker price ,also called list price, A basic published or advertised price, often subject to discount.目录价格公布或广告的基本价格,常常可以打折

  convertible在本文中不是我们所熟悉的转变、转换的,它的意思是Having a top that can be folded back or removed:有车篷的、有可折叠或拆卸顶篷的。a convertible automobile.敞篷汽车。

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