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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 永不停歇的舞蹈者:勤劳的小蜜蜂

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/16 17:25  空中美语



  Anyone who has walked by a busy bee hive knows to be cautious. While the bees are making honey, they are on the alert for intruders and will sting anyone who draws too near. However, some people cannot resist honeybees. They may risk being stung for the sweet reward of honey, or out of curiosity for this fascinating insect.

  Like ants and wasps, honeybees exhibit social behavior. In their hives, they are organized according to their function. The most important member of any hive is the queen bee. There is only one queen, and she alone is responsible for laying all the eggs--up to two thousand a day!

  Female“worker”bees do the majority of the work. Their duties include building the hive and raising the young. Meanwhile, male“drones”have only one job: mating with the queen. Does this sound like a good life? Consider this: The queen kills the drones as soon as they are done!





英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. on the alert

adj. phr. 警戒着;防备着

2. sting

v. 刺;蛰;叮

3. draw near

v. phr. 靠近;接近

4. exhibit

v. 表现;展示

5. organize

v. 安排;组织

6. meanwhile

adv. 在此期间


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