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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/22 11:44  世博英语



  “Shock sheet”squeezes blood to dying brain


  A device resembling an inflatable sleeping bag could help save lives following cardiac arrest. The“shock sheet”, invented by a British anaesthetist, squeezes blood from the legs, boosting blood flow to the heart and brain.


  【讲解】inflatable,Designed to be filled with air or gas before use。可膨胀的、可吹气的,在使用前充空气或其他气体的。an inflatable mattress.一个充气床垫。

  cardiac arrest,Sudden cessation of heartbeat and cardiac function, resulting in the loss of effective circulation.心搏停止,心脏停跳心跳和心脏功能的停止,导致有效循环丧失。Cardiac的意思是Of, near, or relating to the heart.心脏的,靠近心脏的或与心脏有关的:cardiac arteries.心脏动脉。


  If the heart stops beating - a cardiac arrest - brain damage can start after just a few minutes. When medics reach the patient they use defibrillators to shock the heart into restarting. If that fails, they try cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which involves manually pumping the patient's heart and inflating the lungs. But CPR delivers only 10 to 15 per cent of normal blood flow to the brain.


  【讲解】defibrillator,An electrical device used to counteract fibrillation of the heart muscle and restore normal heartbeat by applying a brief electric shock.自动减颤器,通过短暂简单的电击缓解心的纤颤,并使其恢复正常的心跳的一种带电装置。

  CPR是cardiopulmonary resuscitation的缩写,即心肺复苏术,指的是在呼吸或心跳停止情况下所作之急救术。目的在于尽快挽救脑细胞在缺氧状态下坏死(四分钟以上开始造成脑损伤,十分钟以上即造成脑部不可逆之伤害),因此施救时机越快越好。心肺复苏术适用于心脏病突发,溺水,窒息或其他意外事件造成之意识昏迷并有呼吸及心跳停止之状态。

  The device can be wrapped around the patient while CPR is being carried out and can raise the overall upper body blood pressure within 30 seconds.



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