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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 俱乐部的发现

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/24 10:55  世博英语




  1) Let me foot the bill.

  NOTE1: foot作动词有两个意思:步行和付账;

  NOTE2: It means that I will treat.

  2) I am not so hot on dancing.

  NOTE1:补充:我们学习过blow hot and cold意思是“反复无常”;

  NOTE2: It means that I am not so interested in dancing.


  Here is a story:

  Our gathering was unforgettable because we hadn't seen each other for many years. That day I was so happy that I suggested that we go to a disco club. Even I was not so hot on dancing, I still thought that would be the best choice. Finally we went there. It was till then that I began to find that I had a talent for dancing. We had a good time. When it was about 12 o'clock, they wanted to leave. We were approaching the gate when we heard the waiter shouting behind us, "Hello, sir, your bill!" Wow, I almost forgot. Then I said to my friends, "You just go ahead. Let me foot the bill."

  1) Let me foot the bill.我来付账。

  2) I am not so hot on dancing.我不大喜欢跳舞。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. You asked your workmates to have dinner. After the meal, the waitress came to you and asked, "Who will pay the bill?" How would you answer?

  S2. You have never danced in the club. When your friends ask you to dance there, what will you say?

  S3. Chinese people are all hospitable. When you go to a restaurant to have dinner, from which behavior can you see that Chinese people are hospitable?


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