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Unit 20:Revision
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/24 21:39  新浪教育


 Unit 20


Passage 1


  Betty always thinks her village poor and would not stay there. So she went to a town and tried to find a job there. She is tall and strong, but she can't do anything. Mr Taylor's mother has been sick in bed for years. He and his wife have no time to look after her. So they employed the girl. At first she thought the Taylors were kind to her and they had three meals with her together and worked hard. Nearly half a month later Mrs Taylor found the girl had a lot of shortcomings and made an excuse to let her go.

  The day before yesterday Mr Taylor heard from Mr White, one of his friends. The man said in his letter he was going to employed Betty and he wondered how the girl had worked for them. Mr Taylor began to write to him.

  "...She's a lazy girl with bad manners," he wrote. Then he turned to his wife and said,"Can you find out any good points of hers, dear?"

  Mrs Taylor thought for a while and said,"She had good appetite and slept well here."


  1. employ v.雇佣

  2. shortcoming n.缺点

  3. good point优点

  4. appetite n.食欲根据短文内容选择正确答案

  ( )1Betty is a _____ girl.

  A. hardworking country B. lazy country

  C. hardworking city D. lazy city

  ( )2The Taylors can't take care of their sick mother because_____.

  A. they're ill B. they're lazy

  C. they're busy D. they aren't kind to her

  ( )3Betty has been in Taylor's home for_____ .

  A. a weekB. 15 daysC. a monthD. half a year

  ( )4Which sentence isn't true? _____ .

  A. Mr White is a friend of Mr Taylors

  B. Mr White is going to employ Betty

  C. Mr White wrote a letter to Mr Taylor

  D. Mr Taylor didn't write back to Mr White

  ( )5From the passage we know Betty has_____ .

  A. a good point B. two good points

  C. some good points D. no good points


Passage 2


  Over 30000 years ago, people from northern Asia went to America. Today, we all call these people Indians. The Indians went to America because the weather began to change. Northern Asia became very cold. Everything froze. They hadto move or they would die. How did the first Indians go to America? They walked!

  Later Columbus found the New World in 1942. At first,only a few Europeans followed. They travelled to America in boats. For the next 300 years, about 500000 people went there. Then the number grew very quickly. From 1815 to 1915, over 32000000 Europeans went to the USA. Among them there were people from France, Italy and other countries.These Europeans spoke many different languages. Most of them took almost no money. They went to America so that they could find a better life.


  north Asia亚洲北部


  ( )1 _____went to America first.

  A. People from northern Asia

  B. People from Italy

  C. People from France

  D. Columbus

  ( )2Why did Indians go to America? Because _____ .

  A. northern Asia became very hot

  B. northern Asia became very cold

  C. they liked America

  D. they liked travelling

  ( )3The first Europeans went to America _____.

  A. walking B. by bike C. by boat D. by train

  ( )4These Europeans _____.

  A. didn't speak the same language

  B. spoke English only

  C. spoke French only

  D. spoke both English and French

  ( )5The Europeans went to America to _____.

  A. find the New World B. find a better life

  C. build more boats D. learn English


 Passage 3


  When asgroupsof people work together to reach the same goal, they make up a team. Teamwork is very important as men try to learn more about the world in which we __1__.

  In 1957, a team of eighteen men from the United States __2___the winter at the South Pole. They were there __3___the secrets of the earth and the sky.

  The South Pole is at the bottom of the world. During its winter, the sun __4___ rises. The men had to face the darkness of a sixmonth night, as well as the world's worst __5___.

  The men lived in asgroupsof buildings joined together by tunnels. They were cut off from the rest of the __6___. During the long winter, they could not be reached even by plane.

  The men depended on one ___7__ for company. Everyone took turns working in the"snow mine". This was the giant cave dug into the ice beneath their camp. There, they dug out _8____ snow needed as a water supply.

  Each man also had his own important job to do. There was a cook and a doctor. There were scientists and men __9___ were trained in other jobs. Working together, they proved that men can live and work __10___ the South Pole.


  1. good n.目标

  2. tunnel n.隧道,地道

  3. depend on依靠

  4. beneath /bini/ prep.在……下方

  5. camp n.营地,帐篷

  6. South Pole南极

  7. giant adj.巨大的通读短文选出一个最佳答案

  ( )1A. have B. live C. notice D.turn

  ( )2A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took

  ( )3A. learning B. learn C. to study D. studying

  ( )4A. once B. sometimes C. not D. never

  ( )5A. temperature B. weather C. snow D. sunshine

  ( )6A. world B. city C. village D. gold

  ( )7A. the other B. other C. an other D. another

  ( )8A. clean B. cleanest C. clearly D. cleaned

  ( )9A. what B. who C. when D. whether

  ( )10A. at B. in C. over D. on


 Passage 4


  The Kings are American. They are now in Beijing. It is the first time for them to come to China. So they are going to stay in China for six months.

  They want to see the nicest places in China. Mr King drives very well. He is driving to see some factories in Beijing. Mrs King teaches in a school in America. She is going to take her daughter Joe to see some Chinese schools and talk to the teachers. Joe wants to have a few Chinese friends.

  They are going to take many pictures. They are going to show them to their friends when they go back to America. They think the American people may know more about China.


  ( )1The Kings come from the USA.

  ( )2They are going to stay in China for a year.

  ( )3Mr King is propably (也许)a worker.

  ( )4Mrs King wants to talk to some Chinese teachers.

  ( )5They are going to take a lot of pictures because they are good at taking photos.


  Passage 1

  1. B从Betty thinks her village poor和she can't do anything中可看出She is a lazy country girl。

  2. C从句中"Taylor夫妇没有时间照顾她"可看出they are very busy。

  3. B从文章第一段最后一句可找到答案。

  4. D由文章倒数第二段知,泰勒先生正在给怀特先生回信。

  5. D从文章意思可断定D。

  Passage 2

  1. A三百多年前,亚洲北部的人们去了美国。

  2. B他们去美洲的原因是天气的变化。

  3. C欧洲人乘船到美洲。

  4. A这些欧洲人讲着不同的语言。

  5. B他们到美洲是为了过上好的生活。

  Passage 3

  1. Blive in居住在某地,in which引导定语从句。

  2. Aspend度过。

  3. Cto study动词不定式作目的状语。

  4. D根据常识推断用never。

  5. B指整日见不着阳光的糟糕天气。

  6. A表示与外界隔绝。cut off是"隔绝"的意思。

  7. D表示互相依靠。one another互相。

  8. Aclean形容词"清洁的",没有比较的对象,故用原级。

  9. B定语从句,指人。

  10. A表示空间,"在……"的意思。

  Passage 4

  1. TMr and Mrs king来自美国。

  2. F他们打算在中国呆半年。

  3. T文中提到Mr king想参观北京的一些工厂,由此推测,他可能是位工人。

  4. TMrs king想带女儿到中国的学校去并同中国老师进行交谈。

  5. F他们在中国拍照不是因为擅长照相,而是想让美国人更多地了解中国。

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