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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 魔法英语--同步阅读 > Unit 21:She taught herself

Unit 21:She taught herself
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/24 21:42  新浪教育


 Unit 21


 She taught herself


Passage 1


  Mr Newton was a famous scientist, but he was often absentminded. One evening when he arrived home at 8 oclock, his family were out. He waited and waited. He became so worried about them that he couldn't eat. He wasn't hungry at all. Then he remembered his wife always took the children to the park on Wednesday and after that she would take them to the cinema. And it was Wednesday that day.

  Mr Newton was no longer worried. He began to feel hungry. He ate some bread, meat and tomatoes. After supper he fell asleep in chair. Later Mr Newton heard someone entering the house. They didn't make much noise, and they didn't turn on the lights, either. Thieves, He thought. Getting up quickly, Mr Newton seized a chair in his hands and lifted it up. Then he heard,"Dad, what are you doing?"

  Now he understood, they were not thieves, but his children.


  1. Newton牛顿

  2. scientist n.科学家

  3. absentminded adj.心不在焉的

  4. thief n.小偷

  5. seize v.抓住


  ( )1Mr Newton was a famous _____.

  A. artist B. scientist

  C. doctor D. writer

  ( )2Mr Newton began to eat as soon as_____ .

  A. he got home B. he felt hungry

  C. he knewswhereshis family were D. he was worried

  ( )3His wife always took the children to the cinema on _____.

  A. Wednesday B. Sunday

  C. Saturday D. Friday

  ( )4Mr Newton seized _____.

  A. some thieves B. his children

  C. a chair and lifted it up D. his wife

  ( )5Why didn't the children make noise and turn on the light? Because _____ .

  A. they wanted to have joke with their father

  B. they didn't want to wake their father up

  C. their lights weren't working

  D. they wanted to steal something


 Passage 2


  When Benjamin Franklin first went to France he was unable to speak or understand a word of French. Once he was at a meeting with many important men of France. There were several important speeches and as always, everybody applauded after each speech. Franklin did not understand a word of these speeches, but he also applauded after each one. At last, after one of the speeches, everybody, including Franklin, got up, applauded, and cheered loudly. Then everybody began to laugh. Franklin asked the person next to him."What are they laughing at?""They are laughing at you,"said the man. "In the last speech, the speaker spoke about you. He said that France was proud of you that you were a very good man and an excellent ambassador."


  1. applaud v.鼓掌欢迎

  2. speech n.演说

  3. include v.包括

  4. cheer v.欢呼

  5. be proud of以……而自豪

  6. excellent adj.杰出的

  7. ambassador n.大使根据短文内容选择正确答案

  ( )1Franklin could_____ .

  A. not speak French at all

  B. speak a little French

  C. know some French words

  D. not speak Chinese

  ( )2After each speech Franklin_____.

  A. laughed B. applauded

  C. spoke D. talked to others

  ( )3Everybody was laughing at him because _____.

  A. the speech was interesting

  B. he was making a face

  C. Franklin didn't know the speech was about him

  D. The speaker was telling a joke about him

  ( )4Franklin was _____.

  A. a teacher B. an ambassador

  C. a writer D. an engineer

  ( )5Which is right? _____.

  A. French people were very friendly

  B. Franklin went to France many times

  C. Franklin went to France for a meeting

  D. People liked talking with Franklin


 Passage 3


  Pairs has a beautiful name, the City of __1___. Do you know ___2__ it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at _3____. The street are very __4___. When you __5___in Pairs, you need not turn __6___your headlights even after dark.

  Paris is full of light all day and all night. But this is not the __7___ reason for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art. __8___scientists and artists have come to __9___here.For this reason also, people __10___it the City of Lights.


  ( )1A. Flowers B. Cars C. Lights D. Stars

  ( )2A. what B. how C.swheresD. when

  ( )3A. noon B. night C. day D. evening

  ( )4A. black B. dark C. noisy D. bright

  ( )5A. walk B. go C. drive D. live

  ( )6A. off B. down C. out D. on

  ( )7A. only B. other C. any D. another

  ( )8A. No B. Many C. Few D. A few

  ( )9A. study B. drive C. play D. have dinner

  ( )10A. make B. call C. build D. find


 Passage 4


  Li Shizhen was born in 1518. His father was a poor doctor. Li Shizhen often saw that people fell ill. He decided to study medicine so that he could help people.

  Li Shizhen read many books about medicine. He found many of the old medical books to be full of mistakes. So his wish was to write a new one.

  He did his best to study medical science. He studied not only the herbs in his own garden, but also the wild ones. He set out many times on long journeys to collect herbs and talk with old peasants. He learned a lot from the working people.

  After many years of hard work and study,Li Shizhen finished his great works Ben Cao Gang Mu(《本草纲目》).At that time he was sixty. His book is now one of the greatest contributions of the Chinese people to the medical science of the world.


  1. herb n.药草

  2. wild adj.野生的

  3. contribution n.贡献


  ( )1Li Shizhen's father was a doctor.

  ( )2Li Shizhen decided to study medicine because he wanted to become famous.

  ( )3Li Shizhen wanted to write a new medical book because he liked writing books.

  ( )4Ben Cao Gang Mu is a medical book.

  ( )5Li shizhen finished Ben Cao Gang Mu after many years of hard work and study.


  Passage 1

  1. B牛顿是一位著名的科学家。

  2. C文章第一段,当牛顿想起来他家人去公园后,就不再担心,吃起饭来。

  3. A周三牛顿的妻子常带孩子们去公园。

  4. C牛顿抓住手中的椅子,举起来,想要砸小偷。


  Passage 2

  1. Abe unable to do sth.不会……。

  2. BFianklin学着别人的样子,在每场演讲完毕后鼓掌欢迎。

  3. C因为他不懂法语,不知道演讲的内容是有关自己的。

  4. BFranklin是一位杰出的大使。

  5. CFranklin去法国开会。

  Passage 3

  1. C只读上下句,无法判断此空的正确选择,只有通读全文,特别是文章最后一句点明the City of Lights。

  2. A疑问句代词what引导宾语从句,且在从句中充作宾语。

  3. Bat night意为"在夜里",习惯用法。

  4. D从上下文可知。

  5. C由主句中的headights可判定选C。

  6. D由even after dark推知选D,turn on意为"打开"。

  7. A以上作者只找了一个原因,B、C、D显然不符合逻辑。

  8. B从全文分析,many是符合常理。

  9. A科学家和艺术家来巴黎是为了学习,深造。

  10.Bcall it..."称之为……"。

  Passage 4

  1. T李时珍的父亲是个穷医生。

  2. F为了帮助病人,李时珍决定研究医学。

  3. F由于旧的医学书错误较多,李时珍希望写一本新书。

  4. T《本草纲目》是一本医学书籍。

  5. T李时珍写《本草纲目》花费了多年的心血,经过艰苦的工作和刻苦的研究,终于完成此书。

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