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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 颜色不同,意思不同

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/05 09:28  世博英语


  英文中有许多使用了不同颜色的单词而构成的片语,他们所代表的意义各不相同,比如今天我们要给大家介绍的两个。一个是in the red,他的意思是“欠债的,负债的”。另一个是have a green thumb,它的意思是“某人很会种花、种菜”。

  首先我们来看一看第一个片语in the red.这个片语来自于20世纪初期。当人们撰写财务报表的时候,如果公司处于盈利状态的话,他们就用黑色来表示最后的资金额度,相反如果处于亏损状态,他们就用红色来表示亏损的资金额度.So, when someone is in the red, then he was in debt. For example:

  I can’t pay for your dinner as I was in the red for half a year. Perhaps, it will be my treat next time.


  从上面的背景介绍不难看出,与in the red意思相反的片语是:in the black,美国“九一一”事件过后,民航业曾一度处于亏损状态,但近一年来,他们逐渐开始盈利起来。看看下面这个句子是怎么描述的。

  After the 10th September affair, the airline once was in the red, but recent years, they have tried their best to run and they are in the black now.


  接下来,我们来看看第二个片语have a green thumb.在美国,许多家庭都拥有一个花园,主人常花一些时间照料花草等,当他们的拇指被绿色植物染成了绿色后,说明他们花在上面的时间很多,把花草照料得很好,所以这个片语的意思就是“某人把花草照料得很好。”The idiom refers to the fact that good gardeners have spend a lot of time on their gardens and get their hand stained green become of touching plants and finally, their gardens look really beautiful. For example:

  Tom has a green thumb. He is very proud of his beautiful garden, and he always tells everyone that it’s worth spending lots of time on it.



  Tom told Susan who didn’t have a green thumb that he just watered his plants every day.


  结束语:要想成为一个很会照料花草的人(have a green thumb),除了要花很多时间外,还需要不少的资金,如果你已经欠了债(be in the red),可能就不能照料出一个好的花园了。


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