http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/06 23:45 中图读者俱乐部 |
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Part 1 Wants some peace需要安静 Dear Mike My neighbor is driving me crazy.Every morning at 6∶00, I can hear her yodeling.I can't take it any more.Is there anything I can do to get her to stop? Wants some peace 亲爱的迈克: 我的邻居快要把我弄疯了。每天早上六点,我就听见她用岳得尔调唱歌(瑞士的传统演唱方式,真声和高声交替),我再也受不了了,我可以做些什么使她停下来呢? 渴望得到些安静的人 Advice 建议: ●How would you advise this person?你应怎样给这个人提建议呢? Call the neighbor, ask her to stop yodeling.给你邻居打电话,请她别再唱了。 Play your own music.自己放些音乐来听。 Close the windows.关上窗户。 Wear earplugs.戴上耳塞。 ●What do you think about yodeling?你是怎样看待岳得尔调的? I like yodeling. / I don't like yodeling.我喜欢岳得尔调。/我不喜欢岳得尔调。 6∶00 a.m. is too early to yodel.早上6点就唱岳得尔调有些太早了。 Yodeling at 6∶00 a.m. is OK.早上6点唱岳得尔调挺好的。 ●Do you sing in the shower?你洗澡时唱歌吗? Never! / Every day.从不!/每天都唱。
Part 2Not a dog person带狗的人不要来 Dear Mike What do you tell a neighbor who insists on bringing his dog /into/ my house every evening? We have a good relationship except for this. I'm afraid of hurting his feeling,but the dog is driving me bonkers. Going nuts 亲爱的迈克: 如果一个邻居坚持要每天晚上把他的狗带到我家,你会对他说些什么呢?除了这一点外,我们的关系很好,我很怕伤了他的感情,但他的狗让我的精神有点错乱了。 快发疯的人 Advice 建议: ●What should 'Going nuts' do?"快发疯的人"应该做什么? Say something to the neighbor.应对邻居说些什么。 Don't say anything to the neighbor.什么也别对那邻居说。 Visit on the porch.在走廊逗留。 Go to the neighbor's house instead.换成去你邻居家(见面)。
Part 3 Nose situations鼻子问题 Dear Jane I am engaged to be married in August.Now my fiance says he won't marry me unless I get a nose job done before the wedding.What should I do? Bent nose 亲爱的简: 我已定婚,并决定于八月结婚,而现在我的未婚夫说,如果我不去给我的鼻子整形的话,就不要我了。我该怎么办? 长鹰勾鼻的人 Advice 建议: ●What should 'Bent nose' do?"长鹰勾鼻的人"应该做什么? Get a nose job. / Don't get a nose job.去做个鼻子整形术。/不要去做。 Keep your fiance. / Break off the engagement.继续和你的未婚夫在一起。/取消婚约。 ●Do you like your nose?你喜欢你的鼻子吗? I like my nose. / I wouldn't mindshavingsa nose job.我喜欢我的鼻子。/我不介意做个鼻子整形术。 ●Have you ever consideredshavingsa nose job?你曾考虑过要做鼻子整形术吗? Never.从不。 Maybe.也许(会考虑吧)。 Already have one.已经做过一次了。
Part 4 Downright unneighborly向邻居说实话 Dear Jane I live in a small apartment.My neighbor upstairs plays country music until 3∶00 a.m.I cant get any sleep! I'm nervous about talking to my neighbor.He's 200 centimeters tall.What can I do? Sleepless 亲爱的简: 我住在一个小公寓里,我楼上的邻居经常弹奏乡村音乐,直到凌晨3点钟,我几乎无法睡觉。对我的这位邻居说话时,我通常感到紧张,因为他有2米高。我该怎么办?不能入眠的人 Advice 建议: ●How can 'Sleepless' solve this problem?"不能入眠的人"该怎样解决问题? Call the neighbor on the phone.打电话给那个邻居。Talk to the apartment manager.找公寓管理员谈谈。 Leave a nice note for the neighbor.给邻居留个语气委婉些的条儿。 Buy and use earplugs.买个耳塞来用用。
Part 5 Got the blues蓝头发 Dear Jane I am a teenager in a small town. I thought it would be fun to dye my hair blue, so I did. It was supposed to wash out, but it didn't! What can I do? Blue Boy 亲爱的简: 我是一个十几岁的孩子,住在一个小镇里。我觉得染发是件非常有趣的事,所以我把头发染成蓝色了,它本应该能洗掉的,可它洗不掉。我该怎么办? 蓝发男孩 Advice 建议: ●What should 'Blue Boy' do?"蓝发男孩"应该怎么做? Pay a visit to a good hairdresser.拜访一位优秀的发型师。 Shave your head.把头剃了。 Let your hair grow out.让你的头发长出来。 Wear wig.戴个假发。
Part 6 Aching ears让人耳朵"痛"的电话Dear Mike I'mshavingsa problem with a new friend I met at the beauty shop. She calls me every night and talks for an hour about all her problems. I've tried hinting that I'm busy, but she just keeps talking. Help! Just can't say goodbye 亲爱的迈克: 我和一个朋友间出了些问题。她是我在美发店认识的,现在她每天晚上都给我打电话,在一小时谈话过程中她总是在说她自己的事。我已试图暗示她我很忙,但她还是继续说个不停。快帮帮忙!不能说再见的人 Advice 建议: ●What should 'Cant say goodbye' do to discourage her friend?"不能说再见的人"应该做些什么阻止她的朋友? End the call quickly.快速结束通话。 Use an answering machine.用电话留言机。 Be honest with your friend.和你的朋友老实说。 Change beauty shops and your phone number.换家美容店,并且把电话号码也换了。 ●Do you usually enjoy phone calls?你喜欢煲"电话粥"吗? I like to talk on the phone. / I get sick of the phone.我喜欢在电话里交谈。/我讨厌电话。 |
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