http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/06 23:49 中图读者俱乐部 |
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Part 1 Idle talk闲聊 1. Tell your partner which action you would rather do.告诉你的伙伴你想干什么事情。 Which would you rather do?你愿意(宁愿)干什么事情? Go to Hong Kong. / Go to Europe.去香港。/去欧洲。 Get up early. / Sleep late.早起。/晚睡。 Remodel our home. / Buy a new home.改建我们的房子。/买新房。 Eat at home. / Go out to eat.在家吃饭。/出去吃饭。 Be the president. / Be the Vicepresident.当总统。/当副总统。 Sell cars. / Sell houses.卖车。/卖房子。 Join the Army. / Join the Navy.参军。/参加海军。 Watch a tragedy. / Watch a comedy.看悲剧。/看喜剧。 Own a puppy. / Own a cat.拥有一只小狗。/拥有一只猫。 Milk a cow. / Slop the pigs.挤牛奶。/喂猪。 Eat hot dogs. / Eat hamburgers.吃热狗。/吃汉堡包。 Be famous. / Be unknown.出名。/做平凡的人。 Clean my room. / See a movie.打扫我的房间。/看电影。 Barbecue outside. / cook indoors.在外边烤肉。/在家里做饭。 Read the China Daily. / Read the magazine. 看《中国日报》。/看杂志。 Go to the park. / Go to the playground.去公园。/去游乐场。 Watch television. / Read a book.看电视。/看书。 Live in the desert. / Live in the mountains.住在沙漠里。/住在山上。 Live in the country. / Live in the city.住在乡村。/住在城市。 Wash the dishes. / Wash the car.洗盘子。/洗车。 Listen to the music. / Have it quiet.听音乐。/安静。 2. Tell your partener which you like best.告诉你的伙伴你最喜欢什么。 Which do you like better?你比较喜欢什么东西? Soft music. / Rock music.轻音乐。/摇滚音乐。 Chinese food. / Fastfood.中国菜。/快餐。 Watching TV. / Reading the newspaper.看电视。/看报纸。 Riding a horse. / Riding a mule.骑马。/骑骡子。 Going to bed early. / Going to bed late.早睡。/晚睡。 Getting up late. / Getting up early.晚起。/早起。 Long hair. / Short hair.长发。/短发。 Coffee. / Tea.咖啡。/茶。 Fast music. / Slow music.节奏快的音乐。/节奏慢的音乐。 The mountains. / The beach.山。/海边。 Swimming. / Skating.游泳。/滑冰。 The old days. / Right now.过去的日子。/现在。
Part 2 Sports on TV电视体育节目 1. Which sports do you like to watch?你喜欢看哪一种体育节目? I like to watch___ .我喜欢看___。 Boxing拳击Ice skating滑冰 Football足球Tennis网球 Basketball篮球 The Olympics奥林匹克 2. Which sports do you like the most?你最喜欢哪种体育项目? I enjoy ___. 我喜欢___。 3. If you were going to buy tickets for a sport, which would you like to see?如果你要买体育比赛的票,你要看什么比赛呢? I'd go to see ___.我要去看___。 4. Does anyone in your family play a sport?在你们家里谁是搞体育的? My son.我儿子。 My daughter.我女儿。 My husband.我丈夫。 My wife.我妻子。 My grandson.我孙子。 My granddaughter.我孙女。 5. Which sports do you take part in?你参加什么体育项目? I take part in ___. 我参加___。
Part 3 Cooking Dinner烹饪 1. Do you like to cook?你喜欢烹饪吗? I like to cook. / I don't like to cook.我喜欢。/我不喜欢烹饪。 2. Who cooks in your house?你们家谁做饭? I do all the cooking.这些厨事全由我来做。 My husband (wife) helps cook.我的丈夫(妻子)帮我一起做。 We eat out.我们出去吃。 We get takeout.我们吃外卖。 3. Which ones do you make often?你经常做什么菜? I often make .我做。 Hamburgers汉堡包 Chicken鸡 Fish鱼 Salads沙拉 Soup汤Macaroni通心粉 Dumpling饺子
Part 4 Travel旅游 1. Do you like to travel?你喜欢旅游吗? I like to travel. / I don't like to travel.我喜欢。/我不喜欢旅游。 2. Do you travel much?你经常旅游吗? I travel a lot. / I don't travel a lot.我经常旅游。/我不经常旅游。 3. When you go out of town,swhereswould you rather stay?当你离开小镇后,你愿意待在哪里? With family.与家里人。 With friends.与朋友。 At a hotel.待在宾馆。 4. When you stay in a motel, what do you like to do?当你住汽车旅馆时,喜欢干些什么? Make reservations ahead. / Find a motel on the way.先预定房间。/在路上找汽车旅馆。 Go to a small, cheap motel. / Go to a large motel.去一个既小又便宜的汽车旅馆。/去一家大的汽车旅馆。 5. Have you ever been to big cities to travel?你去大城市旅游过吗? I have been to big cites to travel.我到大城市旅游过。 I haven't been to big cities to travel.我没有去过大城市。 6. Are you comfortable in big cities?你觉得在大城市舒服吗? I am comfortable.我觉得很舒服。 I am nervous.我觉得不习惯(紧张)。 I avoid big cities.我不去大城市。 7. When youre in a big city, how would you rather travel?你在大城市里,愿意以什么方式去旅游? Walk.走路。 By taxi.坐出租车。 Drive my car.开自己的汽车。 By train.乘火车。 By subway.坐地铁。 By bus.搭公交车。 By bike.骑自行车。
Part 5 Take-out food外卖 1. Which kinds of takeout food do you order?你要点哪种外卖? Pizza.匹萨。 Chinese food.中餐。 Fried chicken.炸鸡。 Japanese food.日本菜。 Hamburgers.汉堡包。 Fish and chips.鱼和薯条。 2. How do you get your takeout food?你怎样取得外卖? Have it delivered.叫人送来。 Pick it up.中途捎带。 3. How often do you get takeout food?你多久叫一次外卖? Very often.经常。 Sometimes.有时。 Never.从不叫。
Part 6 Going to a movie看电影 1. What would you rather see?你要看哪种类型的电影? A funny movie.有趣的电影。 A comedy movie.喜剧电影。 A tragedy movie.悲剧电影。 2.swhereswould you like to sit?你喜欢坐哪儿? Front.前排。 Back.后排。 Middle.中间。 3. When would you want to go?你什么时候去看? To a matinée. / At night.去日场。/夜场。 4. What would you want from the snack bar?你要什么零食? Popcorn.爆米花。 Lemonade.柠檬水。 Water.水。
Part 7 Swimming游泳 1. Can you swim?你会游泳吗? I can swim. / I can not swim.我会游泳。/我不会游泳。 2. Do you like to swim?你喜欢游泳吗? I like to swim. / I don't like to swim.我喜欢。/我不喜欢游泳。 3. Do you know how to dive?你知道怎样潜水吗? I know how to dive. / I don't know how to dive.我知道。/我不知道怎样潜水。 4. When you go swimming in a pool, what do you like better?你在游泳池游泳时,比较喜欢哪种泳场? Shallow end. / Deep end.浅泳场。/深泳场。 Heated pool. / Cold water.热泳场。/冷水泳场。
Part 8 Pets宠物 1. Have you ever had any of these pets?你有过宠物吗? I have ever had .我有过。 Dog狗 Cat猫 Fish鱼 Snake蛇 Turtle龟 Bird鸟 2. Pretend you are in a large pet store, what do you like to look at or touch?假设你在一家大型宠物百货店里,你想看或摸哪种宠物? I like and .我喜欢和。 Puppies小狗 Kittens小猫 Pigs猪 Bunnies兔宝宝 Turtles龟 Hamsters仓鼠 Snakes蛇 Fish鱼 Parrots鹦鹉 3. How do you feel about dogs or cats sleeping on your bed?狗或猫睡在你的床上,你觉得怎样? I can't stand it.我不能容忍它。 It's ok with me.对我来说没问题。 My pet always sleeps with me.我的宠物总是和我睡在一起。
Part 9 A trip to Dalian去大连旅游 1. I've been to Dalian. / I have never been to Dalian.我去过大连。/我从来没有去过大连。 2. If you've been to Dalian,swhereshave you visited?如果你去了大连,你到哪儿参观过? I've been to .我去过。 Beach海滨Aquarium水族馆 Museum博物馆 3. Pretend you are on a trip to Dalian. What would you like to do?假设你去大连旅游。你喜欢干什么? Take a drive.开车。 Go sailing.出海航行。 Go swimming.去游泳。 Go surfing.去冲浪。 Go shopping.去购物。 Go out for dinner.到外面就餐。
Part 10 Makeup化妆 1. Do you wear makeup?你化妆了吗? I wear some makeup. / I don't wear makeup.我化了一些妆。/我不化妆。 2. Do you like makeup?你喜欢化妆吗? I like makeup. / I don't like makeup.我喜欢。/我不喜欢化妆。 3. Blue lipstick and green nail polish are popular right now, do you like them?目前,蓝色口红和绿色指甲油很受欢迎。你喜欢吗? They look good. / They look terrible!它们看起来不错。/看起来挺可怕的。 4. What makeup do you like to use?你喜欢用哪种化妆品? Lipstick.口红。 Eye shadow.眼影。 Mascara.眉笔。 Blush.腮红。 Nail polish.指甲油。
Part 11 Thanksgiving感恩节 1. What would you rather do on Thanksgiving morning?在感恩节的早上,你要干什么? Watch the parade on TV. / Stay in bed.看电视转播的游行。/待在床上。 2. What would you like to do on Thanksgiving day?在感恩节你喜欢干什么? Visit with family.与家人旅游。 Stay at home.待在家里。 Go to a restaurant.去餐馆。 Watch football on TV.看足球转播。 3. Which would you rather do?你要干什么? Wait all day to eat a big dinner.一整天等着吃大餐。 4. What would you like to eat for Thanksgiving?感恩节你喜欢吃什么? Turkey dinner.火鸡餐。 Mashed potatoes.麦芽糖马铃薯。 Green peas.青豆。 Gravy.肉汁汤。 Dessert.甜点。 5. What kind of pie would you like?你喜欢吃哪些派? Apple.苹果。 Cherry.樱桃。 Pumpkin.南瓜。 6. How would you like your pie?你喜欢怎么吃? Pie heated. / Pie not heated.热的派。/不热的派。 Plain pie.田园派。
Part 12 Male movie stars男电影明星 1. Do you have some favorite male movie stars?你有喜欢的男电影明星吗? I have some favorites. / I dont have any favorites.我有喜欢的男影星。/我没有喜欢的男影星。 2. Which do you like better?你比较喜欢哪种电影? I like old movies. / I like new movies.我喜欢老电影。/我喜欢新的电影。 3. Who is your favorite in older movies?在旧的电影里你喜欢谁? I like.我喜欢。 John Wayne约翰·韦恩 Bob Hope鲍勃·霍普 James Stewart詹姆斯·斯图尔特 4. Who is your favorite in new movies?在新电影里你喜欢谁? Dennis Washington.丹尼斯·华盛顿。 Alec Baldwin.艾力克·鲍德温。
Part 13 New Year's Eve除夕夜 1. If you were invited to a New Years Eve party, would you go?如果你被邀请去参加一个新年除夕的聚会,你愿意去吗? I'd love to go.我很愿意去。 I might go.我可能会去。 I wouldn't go.我不会去的。 2. Do you stay up until midnight on New Years Eve?在除夕夜里,你会守岁吗? I stay up. / No, I don't. I fall asleep.我会的。/我要睡觉。 3. Suppose you were going out for dinner on New Years Eve. Which would you rather have?在除夕夜,假设你要出去吃饭,你愿意吃什么? Appetizer.开胃食物。 Soup.汤。 Salad.沙拉。 Pie.派。 Turkey.火鸡。 Ice cream.冰淇淋。 4. What beverage would you like?你要什么饮料? Ice tea.冰茶。 Wine.酒。 Hot tea.热茶。 Water.水。 Milk.牛奶。 Soda.苏打水。 5. What would you like to do?你喜欢干什么? I would like to watch TV.我喜欢看电视。 6. What kind of music would you like to hear?你喜欢听哪种音乐? Rock music.摇滚乐。 Country music.乡村音乐。 Jazz.爵士乐。
Part 14 Restaurant饭店 1. Do you leave a tip when you eat up?当你外出吃饭时,会留下小费吗? 2. What kind of tipper are you?你是什么样的支付小费者呢? I'm cheap.我付得很便宜。 I'm generous.我是慷慨的。 I'm average.我是一般的。 3. When you eat out, what kind of tip do you leave?当你出去吃饭时,你会留下多少小费呢? 15 Percent.15%。 10 Percent.10%。 20 Percent20%。 4. What kind of service do you usually get in your favourite restaurant?在你最喜欢的饭店你通常会得到什么样的服务呢? Quick, friendly service. / Sometimes service is slow.迅速、友好的服务。/有时服务比较慢。 5. What makes you frustrated in a restaurant?在饭店里什么会使你不满? Slow service.服务慢。 Mistakes on the order.上菜有错误。 Food being cold.食物凉了。 6.swheresdo you like to sit?你喜欢坐哪儿? In a booth.在包间。
Part 15 Shopping购物 1. Suppose you are going to shop at a large mall, when do you like to go?假设你要去商业区购物。你喜欢什么时候去? On a workday. / On the weekend.在工作日。/在周末。 Early in the day. / In the evening.早晨。/晚上。 2.swhereswould you probably spend your time?你可能去哪儿消遣? Book store.书店。 Department store.百货商店。 Jewelry store.珠宝店。 Sporting Goods Store.体育用品商店。 3. Which do you like better?你更喜欢什么? Escalator.自动扶梯。 Elevator.升降机。 Stairs.楼梯。 4. Suppose you are in the bakery, which cookie sounds good?假设你在面包房,哪种饼干好吃? Chocolate.巧克力。 Chip.薄片。 Oatmeal raisin.葡萄干燕麦片。 White chocolate.白巧克力。 Peanut butter.花生黄油。 5. What sounds good to drink with your cookie?吃饼干时配何种饮料好喝? Coffee.咖啡。 Hot Tea.热茶。 Ice tea.冰茶。 Milk.牛奶。 Soda.苏打水。 Water.水。 |
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