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哈里波特魅力无穷 小读者读书读到头疼
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/13 11:05  世博英语


  Harry Potter Causing Hogwarts Headaches?



  BOSTON (Reuters) - The spell cast by the latest Harry Potter book may have an unintended side effect. A Washington doctor warned that he has seen three children complain of headaches caused by the physical stress of relentlessly plowing through the epic 870-page adventure.


  【讲解】spell,A compelling attraction,charm or fascination.魔力、魅力,迷惑力。the spell of the theater.剧院的魔力。

  Harry Potter book,一套风靡世界的魔幻世界丛书,第五部已经出版,前四部分别是《神秘的魔法石》、《密室之密》、《监狱的逃犯》以及《燃烧的高脚杯》。

  unintended,Not deliberate or intentional,unplanned.不是存心的、不是蓄意的或故意的,没有计划的。an unintended slight.非故意的怠慢。

  side effect,A peripheral or secondary effect, especially an undesirable secondary effect of a drug or therapy.副作用,一种次要的或起第二作用的效应,尤指一种药物或治疗方法产生的不合需要的副作用。

  Plow在本文中的意思不是指的耕地,而是To proceed laboriously; plod,辛苦地进行、孜孜不倦:plowed through the backlog of work.费力处理一堆积压待办的工作。

  Dr. Howard Bennett of George Washington University Medical Center wrote in a letter to this week's New England Journal of Medicine that the three children, ages 8 to 10, experienced a dull headache for two or three days. Each had spent many hours reading "Harry Potter and thesgroupsof the Phoenix."


  【讲解】dull,Not intensely or keenly felt.隐约的不是很强烈地感觉到的:a dull ache.隐痛。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.[谚]只学习,不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

  After ruling out other potential causes, Bennett told his patients to give their eyes a rest. But the spell cast by the book was clearly too powerful. "The obvious cure for this malady -- that is, taking a break from reading -- was rejected by two of the patients," Bennett said, adding that the children took acetaminophen instead. In each case, the headache went away only after the patient turned the final page.


  【讲解】malady在本文的意思是A disease, a disorder, or an ailment.疾病。这个词还有一层意思An unwholesome condition,混乱一种不健康的状态。the malady of discontent.因不满而起的混乱。

  Acetaminophen,A crystalline compound, C8H9NO2, used in chemical synthesis and in medicine to relieve pain and reduce fever.对乙酰氨基酚,醋氨酚晶体化合物,C8H9NO2,用于化学合成和医药上来缓解疼痛和退烧。


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