9: Thinking on Your Feet |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/16 18:09 中图读者俱乐部 |
WHAT IS AN IMPROMPTU SPEECH Thinking is something people do all day long.“Thinking on your feet”means being able to organize one‘s ideas quickly and speak about a subject without advance time to prepare. This type of speech is often called an impromptu speech. When do we make impromptu speeches? We make them all the time. Most of our conversations with friends, parents, teachers, and employers answering questions, giving opinions, or sharing knowledge about the many topics we discuss with people on a daily basis. As you can see, you already have experience giving impromptu speeches. In this chapter, you will learn how to think on your feet and give short speeches without advance preparation.
ORGANIZING AN IMPROMPTU SPEECH Perhaps the most important tip for giving impromptu speeches is to be prepared. You can often predict when you might be asked to say a few words. Chances are small that you’ll be asked to speak on a topic you know nothing about. However, if you’re going to a meeting and you’re an expert on the subject under discussion, you’ll probably be asked to say a few words. The next most important tip is to take a few seconds to organize your thoughts before you begin speaking–don’t start speaking without some idea of what you’ll say, only to stop and struggle for words. Experienced speakers use a variety of techniques to help them quickly organize what they plan to say. Here’s one good approach adapted from the critical thinking skills that debaters develop. It takes only a few seconds in most cases. (1) Identify the single most important idea you plan to communicate. (2) Identify two or three support points for that single idea. (3) Piece together an opening sentence, preferably one that ties what has just gone on in the room with what you’re going to say.
OUTLINING AN IMPROMPTU SPEECH When preparing for an impromptu speech, it can be helpful to create an outline for your ideas. This outline can be a real outline, which you write on paper, or a mental outline, which you keep in your head. When you create an outline, try to choose an organizational pattern that fits your topic. When Marco was asked to give an impromptu speech on“Addictions,”he divided the topic /into/ several parts. Notice how he used the pattern of related subtopics in the outline that follows. Example: Marco’s Outline Introduction Ⅰ. I’ll bet everyone in this room knows an addict! That’s right, I said addict. Before you get angry, please let me explain. Ⅱ. When we hear the word addiction, we usually think of harmful substances like drugs or alcohol. We forget there are many other kinds of addictions. I’d now like to remind you of some. Body Ⅰ. Television addictions A. Soap operas B. Detective shows C. Sports (1) Football (2) Baseball (3) Wrestling Ⅱ. Book addictions A.Romance novels B. Mysteries C. Science fiction Ⅲ. Eating addictions A.Ice cream B. Chocolate Ⅳ. Other addictions A. Shopping (1) Clothes (2) CDs (3) Antiques B. Hobbies (1) Stamp collecting (2) Photography C. Sports (1) Golf (2) Jogging (3) Swimming Conclusion Ⅰ. As you can see, not all addictions are bad for you. And, much to your surprise, you probably know someone who is an addict! Ⅱ. What kind of addict are you?
GUIDELINES FOR IMPROMPTU SPEECH It’ll happen sooner or later in life, so you might at well get ready for it, sometime, somewhere, a finger will point your way, and you’ll be asked to get up and say a few words. Here are some principles to help turn these potentially embarrassing situations /into/ positive opportunities. Consider your audience. Just as you have learned to do in other speaking situations. When you are called on for impromptu remarks, think first of your audience. Who are the members of your audience? What are their common characteristics and interests? What do they know about your topic? What do they expect you to say? What is the occasion of your speech? A quick mental check of these questions will help ensure that even impromptu remarks are audience-centered. Be brief. When you are asked to deliver an off-the-cuff speech, your audience knows the circumstances and will not expect or even want a lengthy discourse. One to three minutes is a realistic time frame for most impromptu situations. Some spur-of-the-moment remarks, such as press statements, may be even shorter. Organize. Even off-the-cuff remarks need not falter or ramble. Effective impromptu speakers still organize their ideas /into/ an introduction, body, and conclusion. Consider organizing your point using a simple organizational strategy such as chronologicalsgroupsor a topical pattern. A variation on the chronological pattern is to use the past, present, future model of addressing an issue. This pattern is well known to students who compete in impromptu speaking contests. The speaker organizes the impromptu speech by discussing (1) what has happened in the past, (2)what is happening now, and (3) what may happen in the future. Speak honestly, but with reserve, from personal experience and knowledge. Because there is no opportunity to conduct any kind of research before delivering an impromptu speech, you will have to speak from your own experience and knowledge. Remember, audiences almost always respond favorably to personal illustration, so use any appropriate and relevant ones that come to mind. Of course, the more knowledge you have the subject to be discussed, the easier it will be to speak about it off the cuff. But do not make up information or provide facts or figures about which you are not certain. An honest“I dont know”or a very brief statement is more appropriate. Be cautious. No matter how much knowledge you have, if your subject is at all sensitive or your information is classified, be careful when discussing it during your impromptu speech. If asked about a controversial topic, give an honest but noncommittal answer. You can always elaborate later, but you can never take back something rash you have already said. It is better to be cautions than sorry! |
第九章: 即席演讲 |
什么是即席演讲 思考是人们每天都要做的一件事情。“现场站立思考”是指能够快速组织自己的观点,不要提前准备便能针对某个主题发表演讲,这种类型的演讲常常被称为即席演讲。 我们什么时候要做即席演讲?随时随刻。我们与朋友、父母、老师以及老板的日常交谈、回答问题、发表意见或是分享知识的过程中,都有即席演讲的成分。就像你看到的,事实上你已经有过做即席演讲的经验了。 在本章中,你会学到如何现场站立思考和如何不做任何准备地发表短小的演说。
组织一篇即席演讲 或许即席演讲最重要的一个秘诀是要随时做好准备,你应该能够预先通知自己将要发言。那种要求你对一天所知的主题做演讲的机会是微乎其微的,但如果你去参加某个会议而你又是讨论的问题方面的专家,你就很有可能被要求发言。 另一个重要的秘诀是在开始演讲前要拿出几秒钟的时间组织一下自己的思想,不要头脑空空地便开始,否则你会因为选择一个合适的词语而常常停下来。有经验的演讲者使用不同的技巧来帮助他们快速组织想说的话。下面是一些有经验的辩论者总结出的一个很好的方法,在大多数情况下,它只需用几秒钟的时间。 (1)明确你想传达的最重要的一个观点。 (2)对这一观点想出两或三条支持论据。 (3)开场白句子最可能把房间里刚发生的事和你想说的联系在一起。
列出即席演讲的大纲 在准备即席演讲时,列出一个你思想的大纲是很有帮助的。这个大纲可以写成一个真正的大纲,你把它写在纸上,或者也可以是头脑中的一个大纲,你只是把它记在心里。在概括要点的时候,尽量选择一种适合你主题的有组织的模式。举个例子,马可要做一个关于“嗜好”的即席演讲,他将这个主题分成了几部分,注意下面他在大纲中是如何运用有关联副主题模式的。 例子:马可的大纲 导语: Ⅰ.我敢打赌在座的每个人都认识一个瘾君子!是的,我说的是瘾君子。在你们生气前,请先听我解释。 Ⅱ.当我们听到“嗜好”这个词时,一般总是将它与毒品或酒精等有害物质联系在一起,我们忘了其实还有其他很多种嗜好,现在我就要提到一些。 正文: Ⅰ.电视方面的嗜好 A.肥皂剧B.侦探剧C.体育(1)足球 (2)棒球 (3)摔跤 Ⅱ.书本方面的嗜好 A.爱情小说B.侦探小说C.科幻小说 Ⅲ.饮食方面的嗜好 A.冰激凌B.巧克力 Ⅳ.其他的嗜好 A.购物(1)衣服 (2)CD (3)古董B.业余爱好(1)集邮 (2)摄影 C.体育(1)高尔夫 (2)慢跑 (3)游泳 结尾: Ⅰ.现在你明白了,并不是所有的嗜好都是坏的。并且,让你吃惊的是你可能就认识一个瘾君子。 Ⅱ.你是哪种瘾君子呢?
即席演讲的指导原则 即席演讲在你的生活中迟早会出现的:某一时刻,某一地点,一个手指会指向你,你必须站起来说点什么,所以你最好早做准备。下面是一些原则,它或许有助于把这种潜在的尴尬局面转化为主动的局面。 考虑你的听众。与你学过的其他演讲一样,当你要做即席演讲时,先考虑你的听众。你的听众中包括一些什么人?他们的共同特征和兴趣爱好是什么?关于你的主题他们了解多少?他们期望你说些什么?你演讲的起因是什么?对这些问题快速地考虑一下,就会保证你的即席演讲以听众为中心。 简短。当要求你做即兴演讲时,你的听众已经知道背景并且不期望你的话太长。1到3分钟比较合适,一些即席演讲,比如媒体声明,应该更短一些。 组织。即使是即兴演讲也不要支支吾吾或拖长音。好的即兴演讲者仍会把他的思想组织成开场白、正文和结尾,试着考虑一下用简单的组织策略,比如时间顺序,或话题模式来组织你的观点,对时间顺序模式的一种变化方法是使用“过去-现在-未来”模式来说明一个问题。参加即席演讲比赛的学生们都知道这种方法。演讲者是这样组织他的即席演讲的:(1)过去发生的事物,(2)现在正在发生的,(3)未来将会发生的事物。 诚实。有知识积累,从自身的经验和知识出发。由于在做即席演讲时没有机会做任何调整,你最好从自己的经验和知识来谈。记住,听众总是对个性的描述比较喜爱,所以讲一些脑海中与自己有联系的东西。当然,你掌握的关于主题的知识越多,做即席演讲就会越容易。但不要捏造信息或使用你不了解的事实或数据,一句诚实的“我不知道”或一个简洁的声明会更合适。 小心谨慎。如果你的演讲主题比较敏感或者你的信息涉及到机密,不管你掌握多少知识,在演讲中谈论到这些问题时都要小心谨慎。被问到争论的问题时,你要做出一个诚实但中立的答案。尽管事后你可以精心地推敲,但你却不能将说过的话收回,所以小心谨慎总比事后遗憾要好一点。 |
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