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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/16 18:30  中图读者俱乐部




  Sometimes words hurt more than swords.


  The aim of an argument or discussion should not be vitory, but progress.

  Joseph Joubert



  You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.

  Indira Gandhi



  It is not he who gains the exact point in dispute scores most in controversy, but he who has shown the most forberance and the better temper.

  Samuel Butler





  Example 1:

  Aggressive: You are lazy.

  Assertive: Help me understand how you choose what is important enough to do.



  Example 2:

  Aggressive: I hate you.

  Assertive: This makes me angry.



  Example 3:

  Aggressive: That was stupid.

  Assertive: I don’t understand that.



  Example 4:

  Aggressive: You’re a liar.

  Assertive: Our facts don’t agree.



  Example 5:

  Aggressive: I wish you wouldn’t handle me so roughly.

  Assertive: I really enjoy it when you’re especially gentle.



  Example 6:

  Aggressive: You look horrible in stripes.

  Assertive: You look you best, I think, in solid colors.



  Example 7:

  Aggressive: You suggestion is wrong.

  (Sends the message that the speaker is stupid and you are superior.)Assertive: I disagree with the suggestion and I’d like to explain why.](Invites discussion or dialogue on the content.)





  Example 8:

  Aggressive: Because of your lack of performance, we are going to fail on this project. (Communicates negative judgment and heavy blame.)

  Assertive: I’m afraid this continued performance problem could lead to failure if we don’t react quickly.

  (Implies a solution to a problem.)





  Example 9:

  Aggressive: Why your report is late?

  (Invites a negative defensive reaction.)

  Assertive: Help me understand why the report wasn’t submitted on time.

  (Asks for explanation.)





  Example 10:

  Aggressive: Because of your background and lack of knowledge, you probably don’t understand the complexity of this information.

  (Implies ignorance and blames the receiver for any potential inaccuracy or miscommunication.)

  Assertive: I want to do everything I can to make this complex information clear and understandable.

  (Allows the deliverer to take responsibility and implies a strong commitment to communicating effectively.)







  We should try to avoid aggressive statements in communication and use assertive statements instead.




  You-Statements & I-Statements

  The use of an aggressive communication style may be the single greatest contributor to communication disconnects and misunderstandings in all kinds of circumstances. It is often the dominant communication patterns, which are learned very early in life, adds to the difficulty of changing them. It will not be easy for you to abandon your aggressive patterns and embrace assertive ones. If you are successful, you will significantly increase you communication effectiveness.

  Aggressive messages tend to evaluate people or their deeds. When you evaluate or judge another person or what that person has done, that person is likely to become resentful and defensive and is likely to respond with attempts to defend himself or herself and perhaps at the same time to become equally evaluative and judgmental. On the other hand, Assertive messages are subject to discription. When you describe what happened, it creates no such defensiveness and is generally seen as supportive. The distinction between evaluation and description can be seen in the difference between you-statements and I-statements. Evaluatitive remarks generally employ you-statements while describtive remarks generally employ I-statements. Thus, it’s safe to say aggressive messages which are often expressed in you-statements while assertive messages are often expressed in I-statements.




  Following are some additional examples of youstatements and Istatements:


  Example 11:

  You-statement: You never reveal your feelings.

  I-statement: I would like hearing how you feel about this.



  Example 12:

  You-statement: You just don’t plan ahead.

  I-statement: I need to know what our schedule for the next few days will be.



  Example 13:

  You-statement: You never call me.

  I-statement: I-d enjoy hearing from you more often.



  Example 14:

  You-statement: You’re wrong.

  I-statement: I don’t agree.



  Example 15:

  You-statement: I saw what you did, you violated our policy.

  I-statement: Tell me what it means when our policies are disregarded.



  Example 16:

  You-statement: Why did you do this? You didn’t give me what I asked for.

  I-statement: Help me understand why it was done this way.



  If you put yourself in the role of the listener hearing these statements, you probably can feel the resentment or defensiveness that the aggressive messages (you-statements) would create and the supportiveness from the assertive messages (I-statements.)


  As discussed earlier, you-statements increase negative emotion and reduce the willingness of the receiver to absorb your message. Communicating aggressively shuts down the receiver’s listening process and creates an inevitable defensive response. If you experience a high rate of defensiveness in others when you offer feedback or criticism, carefully check whether you have been using an aggressive communication style. You may be creating their reaction unknowingly and unintentionally.


  Is there a fixed precedure to present your assertive comment? The anwser is yes. This step is naturally the most difficult but obviously the most important. Here’s a generally effective pattern to follow in communicating assertively:

  ·Describe the problem; don’t evaluate or judge it.

  We’re all working on this advertising project together. You’re missing half our meeting and you still haven’t produced your first report.

  ·State how this problem affects you.

  My job depends on the success of this project and I don’t think it’s fair that I have to do extra work to make up for what you’re not doing.

  ·Propose solutions that are workable and that allow the person to save face.

  If you can get the report to thesgroupsby Tuesday, we’ll still be able to meet our deadline. And I could give you a call an hour before the meetings to remind you.

  ·Confirm understanding.

  It’s clear that we just can’t produce this project if you’re going to pull our legs. Will you have the report to us by Tuesday?










  Finally, let’s repeat it: Always avoid aggressive you-based statements when delivering comment. Use assertive I-and we-based statements.




  How Verbally Aggressive Are You?

  This scale is designed to measure how people try to do obtain compliance from others. For each statement, indicate the extent to which you feel it is true for you in your attempts to influence others. Use the following scale:

  1= almost never true

  2= rarely true

  3= occasionally true

  4= often true

  5= almost always true

  1. I am extremely careful to avoid attacking individualsintelligence when I attack their ideas.

  2. When individuals are very stubborn, I use insults to soften the stubbornness.

  3. I try very hard to avoidshavingsother people feel bad about themselves when I try to influence them.

  4. When people refuse to do a task I know is important, without good reason, I tell them they are unreasonable.

  5. When others do things I regard as stupid, I try to be extremely gentle with them.

  6. If individuals I am trying to influence really deserve it, I attack their character.7. When people behave in ways that are really in very poor taste, I insult them insgroupsto shock them /into/ proper behavior.

  8. I try to make people feel good about themselves even when their ideas are stupid.

  9. When people simply will not budge on a matter of importance, I lose my temper and say rather strong things to them.

  10. When people criticize my shortcomings, I take it in good humor and do not try to get back at them.

  11. When individuals insult me, I get a lot of pleasure out of really telling them off.

  12. When I dislike individuals greatly, I try not to show it in what I say or how I say it.

  13. I like poking fun at people who do things that are very stupid insgroupsto stimulate their intelligence.

  14. When I attack a persons ideas, I try not to damager their selfconcepts.

  15. When I try to influence people, I make a great effort not to offend them.

  16. When people do things which are mean or cruel, I attack their character insgroupsto help correct their ehavior.

  17. I refuse to participate in arguments when they involve personal attacks.

  18. When nothing seems to work in trying to influence others. I yell and scream insgroupsto get some movement from them.

  19. When I am not able to refute otherspositions, I try to make them feel defensive insgroupsto weaken their positions.

  20. When an argument shifts to personal attacks, I try very hard to change the subject.

  Thinking Critically About Verbal Aggressiveness

  Insgroupsto compute your verbal aggressiveness score, follow these steps:

  1. Add you scores on items 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19

  2. Add you scores on items 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20

  3. Subtract the sum obtained in Step 2 from 60.

  4. To compute your verbal aggressiveness score, add the total obtained in Step 1 10 the result obtained in Step 3.

  If you scored between 59 and 100, you’re high in verbal aggressiveness; if you scored between 39 and 58, you’re moderate in verbal aggressiveness; and if you scored between 20 and 38, you’re low in verbal aggressiveness. In looking over your responses, make special note of the characteristics identified in the 20 statements that refer to the tendency to act verbally aggressive. Note those inappropriate behaviors that you’re especially prone to commit. High agreement (4’s or 5’s) with statements.

  2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, and 19 and low agreement (1’s and 2’s) with statements 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17 and 20 will help you highlight any significant verbal aggressiveness you might have. Review you previous encounters when you acted verbally aggressive. What effect did such actions have on your subsequent interaction? What effect did they have on your relationship with the other person? What alternative ways of getting your point across might you have used? Might these have proved more effective?

  Source: From“Verbal Aggressiveness,”by Ominic Infante and C.J. Wigley, Communication Monographs 53, 1986, pp61-69. Used by permission of the National Communication Association and the authors.

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