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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《魔法英语》课文译注 > 第九单元自测题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/30 12:59  新浪教育


  1Dupont is a Frenchman. He comes from F___.

  2It's a d___ camera. It doesn't need any films(胶卷).

  3Please l___ the door before you leave the house.

  4This coat is very warm because it's made of c___.

  5Computer is very w___ used in the modern society.


  1They use this key for ___ the door.

  A. opening B. opens C. opened D. open

  2That beautiful shirt is made ___ silk.

  A. of B. on C. from D. with

  3English is used ___ travellers and business people all ___ the world.

  A. by,from B. as,over C. for,from D. by,over

  4Mr Green has taught English ___ over thirty years.

  A. of B. for C. since D. after

  5I was born ___ the morning of April 15,1984.

  A. on B. in C. at D. to

  6Lucy has ___ for one year.

  A. left B. arrive

  C. gone away D. been away

  7___ my telephone is 2568866.

  A. A number of B. Number of

  C. The number of D. Numbers of

  8Shanghai is one of the biggest ___ in the world.

  A. city B. cities C. citys D. citis

  9French is ___ in France.

  A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking

  10English is learned ___ a second language in China.

  A. on B. as C. of D. like


  Mr Smith drove me to the house of the Johnsons, my new friends in Australia.

  Mr Johnson was at work. Mrs Johnson gave me a warm welcome.“We are really

  very happy to have you as our new friend,”she said.

  In front of me was a house not very big, with many trees around it. I could

  hear the singing of birds here and there. The singing of a kind of bird

  sounded like a bell, and they told me it was called a bellbird(钟声鸟).

  Another kind of bird had white feathers and a big body.They were called


  Mr Johnson was a kind man, easy to get on well with. He liked birds very

  much. He put bird food outside the glass wall and some water for the birds

  to wash themselves in.“Take a picture of a cockatoo! It'll be very

  interesting,”he said to me.

  One afternoon came the chance(机会)! Mr Johnson hurried down to my room and

  said,“Come on! There comes the cockatoo!”Quickly, I took my camera with

  me and hurried to the glass wall. Hey, there, a white cockatoo was eating

  the food! I was so happy that I took a picture of it very quickly.

  1When the writer arrived at the house of his new friends, Mrs Johnson ___.

  A. was out

  B. was at office

  C. wasn't in

  D. welcomed him

  2People call that kind of bird a bellbird because___ .

  A. it looks like a bell

  B. it has a big body

  C. its singing sounds like a bell

  D. it makes a sound of a bell

  3Mr Johnson took good care of birds because he___ .

  A. liked to take pictures of birds

  B. gave the birds their food and water

  C. warmly welcomed the birds

  D. was a kind man

  4One afternoon, the writer saw ___.

  A. Mr Johnson hurrying down to his room

  B. a cockatoo coming

  C. Mr Johnson taking a picture of a cockatoo

  D. a cockatoo eating the food

  5From the passage we know that the writer ___.

  A. was Mr Smith

  B. lived in Australia

  C. was a visitor

  D. took pictures every day


  The American and the British not only1___the same language but also have a

  large number of the same social customs. For example, in 2___America and

  England people shake hands when they3___each other for the first time. Also,

  most Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their 4___to a woman, and

  so will most Americans. That is,5___a dinner is for seven oclock, the dinner

  guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain6___he will be


  The important thing to remember about a man who gave formal(正式)dinner

  party. When the 8___was served, one of the guests started to eat his pease9___.

  The other guests were surprised to see that, but the host

  calmly(平静地)10___his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have

  been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.

  1.A talkB speakC tellD say

  2.A allB everyC someD both

  3.A meetB helpC teachD know

  4.A ticketB bookC seatD food

  5.A ifB sinceC evenD but

  6.A whenB whereC whyD what

  7.A everythingB nothingC somethingD anything

  8.A forksB foodC chickenD apples

  9.A with a knifeB by a knifeC with a forkD by a fork

  10.A put downB picked upC took outD took away

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