第五十二课:世界人口 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/30 13:26 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 2.Write写………………………………… 10,000 years ago, the world's population was very___ . For several 一万年前,世界上人口很少。在几千年的时间里 thousand years it grew quite___ . But during the last three or four hundred 人口增长缓慢。但在近三、四百年里人口增长非常迅速。 years it has grown very ___. Today, it is still growing ___ than ever 今天,人口增长仍然比以往快。 before. This means we must grow ___ food, and have ___ families with 这意味着我们必须多种粮食,同时家庭规模要小一些,(每个家 ___, but ___, children. If we don't do these things, the results will 庭)有健康的孩子,但要少生孩子。如果我们不这么做,结果将 be very___ . There will not be enough space even to stand in on the earth. 会非常糟。地球上甚至会连站立的地方都没有。 4.Read阅读……………………………… Sam wanted to knowswhereshe could travel for holiday. As he was busy 萨姆想知道他能去哪儿旅行度假。在正忙着 searching the Internet, he became interested in how different countries were. 搜索因特网时,他对国与国之间有多大不同这个问题产生了兴趣。 He downloaded the information about several countries and made a chart. Loo- 他下载了几个国家的有关材料,制成一张表格。看 king at the map, he thought that he would visit these countries. He wanted to 下面的地图,他想参观这些国家。他想 start with the smallest country and end with the largest one. He wondered what 从最小的国家开始,最后去最大的国家。他想知道 his travel path would be like. He took out a map of the world and began to 他的旅游路线会是什么样子。他拿出一张世界地图开始 draw lines on it. After Sam looked at his path he decided that his plan wasn't a 在上面画线。萨姆看完他的路线后认为他的计划 very good one. 不是很好。 Look at the map below. Find out Sam's path of travel. Then draw it on the 看下面的地图,找出萨姆的旅行路线,然后画在地图上。 map. Why did Sam decide his plan wasn't a good one? Help him make a better 为什么他认为他的计划不好?帮他做一个更好的 travel plan. Make sure he visits all of the countries he listed. 计划。务必包括他列举的旅游国家。 |
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第五十二课:世界人口 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 短语纵横 1during the last three or four hundred years在近三四百年期间 用during the last...或in the last...表示“近……时间以来”或“在过去的……期间”,last 可换为past,指的是到现在为止的情况或结果,与现在有关,因此,句中谓语动词常用现在完成时。 What have you done in the last five days?近五天你干了些什么? During the past month they have done a lot for the poor. 在过去的一个月中,他们为穷人做了许多事情。 2make a chart制图,绘图 He downloaded the information about several countries and made a chart. 他下载了几个国家的信息,制了个图表。 3start/end with以……开始/结束 start意为“开始”,end意为“结束”,with后可跟名词作宾语。 His speech started with a song and ended with another song. 他的演讲以一首歌开始,以另一首歌结束。 4travel path旅行路线 此处travel为名词,意思是“旅行”,作定语。path是名词,意为“路线;路程”。 My travel path hasn't been decided yet.我的旅游线路还没有定下来。 点击句型 1be busy doing sth./ with sth.忙于做某事/忙于某事 Are you busy with your work and so you forget the baby? 你忙于工作,忘了孩子吗? The students are all busy getting ready for the final exam. 学生们正在忙于准备期终考试。 2become/be interested in (doing) sth.对(做)……感兴趣 He became interested in swimming when he was five. 他五岁时开始对游泳感兴趣。 注意:become interested in...是瞬间动词短语,不可用于进行时态,也不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。be interested in...则是延续性动词短语,表示状态。 语法天地 人口多少的表达法 说明人口population的多少常用large和small。提问人口多少用what。 The population of China is larger than that of America.中国的人口比美国多。 What's the popuilation of India?印度有多少人口? |
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