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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《魔法英语》课文译注 > 第十三单元自测题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/30 13:27  新浪教育


  1He said that he___ (finish) his homework next week.

  2The Smiths ___(have) dinner when I knocked at the door.

  3These exercises___ (must do)by yourselves.

  4The People's Republic of China ___(found) on October 1.

  5I won't forget___ (bring) it with me this time.






  5slow down____________

  6year after year____________

  7download the information about hometown____________


  9take out a map of the world____________

  10draw lines on it____________


  1What ___ the population of Jinan?

  A. is B. are C. were D. be

  2He said he ___ to London twice.

  A.. has gone B. has been C. had gone D. had been

  3I showed the four ___ around the factory.

  A. Germany B. Germen C. Germans D. Germanys

  4We don't know what ___ happen in a hundred years.

  A. will B. would C. was going to D. had

  5When we talk to others, we should make ourselves___ .

  A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. to understand

  6We had learned two pop songs ___ of the month in China.

  A. at the end B. by the end C. to the end of D. in the end

  7What ___ in ten years?

  A. will happen B. is happening C. happened D. has happened

  8The piano takes up too much___ .

  A. room B. the room C. a room D. rooms

  9Who knows the answer ___ this question.

  A. of B. to C. for D. with

  10China is a ___ country.

  A. developping B. developed C. developing D. develop


  Mrs Green lives in a small village. Her husband was dead, but she has one

  son. His name is Jack. He is twentyone. He worked in the shop in the

  village and lived with his mother, but then he found a job in a

  faraway(遥远的) town named Greensea. He went and lived there. Mrs Green was

  not happy about it.

  Last Sunday, Mrs Green was angry. She got on a train and went to her son's

  house in Greensea. Then she said to him,“Jack, why do you never telephone


  Jack laughed,“But, mother, you don't have a telephone.”

  “No,”she answered,“I haven't, but you have one!”

  1.Mrs Green's home is in ___.

  A. a cityB. a small villageC. GreenseaD. a big town

  2.Jack lived with his ___when he worked in the village.

  A. motherB. fatherC. brotherD. sister

  3.Greensea is___ the small village.

  A. inB. next toC. nearD. far from

  4.Last Sunday, Mrs Green went to Greensea___ .

  A. by bikeB. by trainC. by airD. by bus

  5.Jack didn't telephone his mother because ___.

  A. he didn't like her

  B. he could see her every day

  C. he had no telephone

  D. his mother had no telephoneUnit

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