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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/01 16:56  世博英语




  Bush Surprises U.S. Troops With Iraq Trip


  BAGHDAD, Iraq - President Bush flew to Iraq under extraordinary secrecy Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with U.S. troops and thank them for "defending the American people from danger."


  【讲解】extraordinary,Beyond what is ordinary or usual.非凡的,超出一般或平常的。extraordinary authority.特权;a man of extraordinary strength,一位力气惊人的男子;Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace.也许19世纪最不寻常的建筑物要算`水晶宫'了;What an extraordinary idea!多么离奇的想法!

  Thanksgiving day,感恩节是每年十一月的第四个礼拜四。从前落难的欧洲人逃到了美洲大陆,饿困交加,是善良的印第安土著用他们的食物救济了白人。第二年,白人自己播种的谷物成熟了,便把它们播分出来,向印第安人表示感。感恩节是美国的大节之一,传统是吃火鸡。感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。

  The unannounced visit brought wild cheers from battle-worn soldiers, stunned the nation and even surprised the president's parents, who had been expecting him at the Thanksgiving table at his Texas ranch.


  【讲解】Worn,Showing the wearing effects of overwork, care, worry, or suffering.筋疲力尽的因过度工作、操劳、忧虑或磨难而变得衰弱的。

  Ranch,An extensive farm, especially in the western United States, on which large herds of cattle, sheep, or horses are raised.大牧场大片的农场,尤指位于美国西部,养了大群的牛、羊、马的牧场。

  The troops had been told only that they were gathered for Thanksgiving dinner with a VIP guest in the mess hall at Baghdad International Airport. Paul Bremer, the U.S. administrator in Iraq, added his own drama to the surprise. Bremer opened the program by telling the soldiers it was time to read the Thanksgiving proclamation. He asked if there was "anybody back there more senior than us" to read the president's words. Bush emerged from behind a curtain as presenting soldiers became completely dumfounded. "I was just looking for a warm meal somewhere," he joked, "Thanks for inviting me to dinner."


  【讲解】VIP是非正式用语,A person of great importance or influence, especially a dignitary who commands special treatment.大人物,重要的或有影响的人物,尤需要特殊对待的高官显贵。

  mess hall,A building or room used for serving and eating meals, as on an army post.餐厅用来供应膳食和用膳的房屋或厅室,如在军队驻地中。

  Proclamations,Something proclaimed, especially an official public announcement.公告,宣言宣布的事物,尤指当众正式公布的通告。

  dumfounded,To fill with astonishment and perplexity; confound.目瞪口呆充满惊讶与不解,迷惑。

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