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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 公交车里的沙丁鱼

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/11 10:43  世博英语




  1) The bus is packed like sardines.


  NOTE2: The bus is so crowded.

  2) Don't get cold feet.

  NOTE1:这个短语要区别于“冷落某人-to give/ get the cold shoulder”;

  NOTE2: Don't be afraid.


  Here is the story.

  Each year when the Spring Festival comes, the whole family will go to my grandparents to pay our new year call. There is usually a long way to go, so we have to take a long-distance car which is usually packed like sardines. When we get there, I often play with my cousins and there is always something interesting to do. It is to set off the fireworks and firecrackers in the evening. At that time, we boys find it a good chance to put on a show because the girls are afraid of bomb sound. Then we pretend to encourage them: "Don't get cold feet. It is not dangerous at all. You can do it!" While speaking, we put a big firework in front of them. You know? They run away quickly as if a ghost were chasing them.

  1) The bus is packed like sardines.公交车非常拥挤。

  2) Don't get cold feet.别害怕!


  Here are three situations:

  S1. Ann is going to take an interview tomorrow, but now he is a bit nervous. Do you have some good suggestions for him?

  S2. Will you go back home during the winter vacation? Do you go by bus or by train? How is the bus or the train at that time?

  S3. In fact, this bus allows at most 30 passengers to board, but now there are about 100. Then what does the bus look like?


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