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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/13 17:19  英语辅导报


  What is shyness? Shyness is shrinking (躲避) from human contact (接触), often because of a feeling of inferiority(下属) and fear of taking risks. It is an alienating (排斥)force that presents us from realizing our full potential(潜在力)and enjoying the company of other people. If people don't relate well to others, they are big losers-in business, in love, and in life. So it is very important, both to the shy person and to society to overcome shyness.

  Is shyness necessarily a bad trait(性格)?

  Shyness can make some people more appealing(有魅力的). Modest and reserved(谦虚谨慎),they are good listeners and seldom hog the spotlight(抢风头). Shyness, however, makes it difficult to meet new people, to make friends. It prevents one from speaking up, expressing opinion and criticism. In the extreme(极端) shyness can result in depression(意气消沉), anxiety and loneliness.

  What is the basic cause of shyness? At the core(核心)is an excessive(过分的)concern for security, going along what someone knows rather than risking something uncertain. Shy people often lose out by not engaging with life, by letting other people and situations control their reactions(反应).

  What can be done to help those who are shy? Parents should start early to communicate to a child that he is loved unconditionally. The child should never experience a sense that his self-worth and existence depend upon social approval(认同)or current performance(当前的成绩). It should be made clear that a person, young or old, has worth, independent of his or her achievement, bank account or looks.

  Can people cope with shyness on their own? Most people can conquer their shyness, but they should first master sets of skills about how to approach, and relate to other people. The shy people should learn how to handle compliments(称赞); how to start a conversation, keep it going and end it, and how to say hello to strangers and build from there. They have to learn to control their anxiety, imagine desired consequences(结果)rather than fearful situations. They can concentrate(集中)on making eye contact with the people they talk to; they can assume(采取)the posture(态度)of an attentive listener-smiling, and looking interested. Self-esteem(自尊心)can be boosted(提高)by a simple formula(方法):Stop saying negative things about yourself. Instead, think in terms of correcting what you think is wrong and putting your best foot forward.

  True or False:

  1.Shyness is a natural characteristic of everyone.

  2.Shyness is not good for a person at any time.

  3.Most of us can cope with shyness if we master sets of skills about how to approach and relate to other people.

  4.Generally, girls are shyer than boys when they communicate with other people.

  (Key:1-4 FFTF)


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