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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/13 17:24  英语辅导报


  1.When and where to go for the on-salary holiday_____ yet.

  A.are not decided

  B.have not been decided

  C.is not being decided

  D.has not been decided

  2.Every possible means_____ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

  A.is used B.are used

  C.has been used D.have been used

  3.Both my brothers work at the power station that_____ in my home town.

  A.has set up B.has been set up

  C.was set up D.is set up

  4.All the preparations for the task_____ and we're ready to start.

  A.completed B.complete

  C.had been completed

  D.have been completed

  5.Some new oilfields_____ since 1976.

  A.were opened up B.has opened up

  C.have been opened up

  D.had been opened up

  6.The silence of the library_____ only by the sound of pages being turned over.

  A.has been broken B.breaks

  C.broke D.was broken

  7.-_____ the sports meet might be put off.

   -Yes, it all depends on the weather.

  A.I've been told B.I've told

  C.I'm told D.I told



  [句型1]He(She, It,单数名词)+has been +P.P.+...(P.P.=动词的过去分词形式,下同)

  Her motorbike has been stolen.她的摩托车被盗了。

  He has been sent to work in the factory.他已经被派去在那个工厂工作。

  [句型2]I (We, You, They,复数名词)+have+been+P.P.+...

  I have been brought to hospital by my fa-ther.我被父亲带到医院来。

  All the offices have been linked by com-puter.所有的售票处由计算机联网工作。


  [句型1]He(She, It,单数名词)+has+not+been+P.P.+...

  The task has not been finished yet.任务尚未完成。

  She has not been told about the matter.没有人告诉她这件事。

  [句型2]I(We, You, They,复数名词)+have+not+been+P.P.+...

  They have not been heard from.没有收到他们的来信。

  Many skilled workers have not been trained in the company.这家公司并没有培养多少熟练工人。


  [句型1]Has he(she, it,单数名词)+been+P.P.+...?

  Has a new computer been bought?买了一台新电脑吗?

  Has it been built in the middle of the park?它被建在公园中心吗?

  [句型2]Have they(I, we, you,复数名词)+been+P.P.+...?

  Have pandas been protected in our coun-try?在我们国家熊猫已经得到保护了吗?

  Have they been sent abroad to study Eng-lish?他们已经被派往国外学英语了吗?



  What has been bought by Tom?汤姆已经买了什么东西?


  Who have been helped by the new com-puter?谁已经得到这种新计算机的帮助?


  How many buildings have been built in this school?这所学校已经建造了多少座大楼?


  Where has the car been repaired?这辆小汽车已经在哪里修理好了?


  Put the Chinese into English to complete the sentences.

  1.You can see the house_____ (未油漆)for years.

  2.This is a photo of the power station that_____ (已建起)in my hometown.

  3.How many workers_____ (已派遣)to build the railway?

  4.-Why does Lingling look so unhappy?

   -She_____ (被嘲笑)by her classmates.

  5.It is said that the house_____ (闯进了)by two thieves.

  6._____ his views_____ (受到批判)by them?

  7.The two books_____ (未被拿走)by him.

  8.Where_____ the mobile telephone _____ (已经修理了)?

  9.The price of a colour TV set_____ (降价了)again.

  10.What_____ (已被译成)into many foreign languages?


  1.has not been painted 2.has been set up 3.have been sent

  4.has been laughed at 5.has been broken into 6.Have; been criticized

  7.have not been taken away 8.has; been repaired 9.has been brought down

  10.has been translated


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