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英汉双解短文欣赏:Great China
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/18 16:59  英语辅导报

  The People's Republic of China is situated in eastern Asia and with the Pacific Ocean to her west.She is also called China for short.She is about 5,500 km in length from the northernmost point in the main channel of the Heilongjiang River north of Mohe County to the southernmost point Zengmu Ansha Island.It is 5,200 km in width from the Pamir Plateau in the west to the confluence of the Heilongjiang River and Wusuli River in the east.China has a land area of about 9.6 million km2,making her the third largest in the world.She has a population of about 1.3 billion,of which the Hans makes up more than 90%.

  China has a land boundary of over 20,000 km and neighbours D.P.R Korea in the east,Russia and Mongolia in the north,Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the northwest,Tajikistan,Afghanistan,and Pakistan in the west,India and Nepal in the southwest,and Myanmar,Laos,and Vietnam in the south.China has a continental coastline of over 18,000 km and is fringed by the Bohai Sea,the Huanghai Sea(Yellow Sea),the Donghai Sea(East China Sea)and the Nanhai Sea(South China Sea).





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