怎样使英语书面表达句子结构具有平衡美 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/20 09:00 英语辅导报 |
平衡就是一种美。平衡的句子结构就是具有美感的句子结构。怎样使英语书面表达句子结构具有平衡美?笔者认为应注意下列几点: 一、处理好完整与复杂的关系 平衡必须完整。平衡的句子结构通常是完整的句子结构。但完整不等于复杂,考生写作时一味追求新、奇、难,极易打破句子结构平衡,造成句子结构畸形。 例1:魏芳是一个女孩,今年二十岁,她是一名大学生,她学习很认真。 误:Wei Fang,a girl who is twenty years old and who is a college student and who studies very hard. 正:Wei Fang is twenty years old.She is a college student and she studies very hard. 例2:他的兄弟和姐妹都去过北京。 误:It is not only his brothers but also his sisters have been to Beijing . 正:Not only his brothers but also his sisters have been to Beijing . 例3:欢迎你参观我们的学校。 误:You're welcome to com e to our school to visit. 正:You're welcome to visit our school. 二、处理好简单与省略之间的关系 简洁明了也是一种平衡,也是一种美,但简单不等于省略,考生写作时,如果在不可省略的地方省略,句子结构就会不完整、不平衡,句意就不明确,句子也就不具有美感。 例4:他工作很努力,心也很细。 误:He works very hard and careful. 正:He works very hard and he is very careful. 例5:她不知道说什么,也不知道怎么说。 误:She doesn't know what and how to say. 正:She doesn't know what to say and how to say it. 三、不能随意增减句子成分 随意增减句子成分,会打破句子结构的平衡,造成句型错误。 例6:据说他学习很认真。 误:It is said that he is studies very hard. 正:It is said that he studies very hard. 析:初学英语写作的同学喜欢在行为动词前随意加be动词,同学们应增强错误防范意识,从而逐步改掉这一不良习惯。 例7:他不能确信是否能通过这次考试。 误:He can't sure whether he can pass the exam . 正:He can't be sure whether he can pass the exam . 例8:今天有5个学生缺席。 误:There are five students are absent today. 正:Five students are absent today. 析:表达"有多少人做某事"时,"有"与"做"不能同时表达,否则就会破坏句子结构平衡,造成双谓语错误句型。 例9:来自北京大学的一位教授明天下午将给我们做报告。 误:A professor comes from Beijing University will give us a talk tomorrow afternoon. 正:A professor(coming)from Beijing University will give us a talk tomorrow afternoon. 析:"来自某地的某人做某事"时,"来"与"做"不能同时用谓语表达,否则也会破坏句 子结构平衡,造成双谓语错误句型。 四、使用对称性连词时应注意句子结构的对称与和谐 对称性连词要求连词前后使用相同的结构,否则就会破坏句子结构平衡,使句子失去美感并造成语法错误。 例10:一本书的价值不在于它的准确性,而在于它对读者产生的巨大影响。 误:The value of a book isn't in its accuracy but the great effect on its readers. 正:The value of a book isn't in the great effect on its readers. 例11:今天长城不但对于中国人民而且对世界各国人民来说都不失为一个名胜古迹。 误:Today the Great Wall of China is a place of interest not only to the Chinese people but also people from all over the world. 正:Today the Great Wall of China is a place of interest not only to the Chinese people but also to people from all over the world. 五、保证句型变换后句子结构的完整性和对称性 高考英语书面表达评分标准规定,考生应尽可能使用高质量的句型,因此考生可大胆使用较为常见、较为高级、表达效果也比较好的句型,如强调句、感叹句、with复合结构句型、such as列举句型、such be总结句型等。考生在将普通句型转变为这些高质量的句型时也应注意句子结构的完整性,否则也会破坏句子结构的平衡,使句子结构失去美感,而且可能出现一些语法上的错误而失分。 例12:他们在这个房间里找到他丢失的钢笔。 误:It was in this room they found his lost pen. 正:It was in this room that they found his lost pen. 例13:这场电影多么有趣啊! 误:What an interesting film this film! 正:What an interesting film(it is)! 例14:他拿着一本书走进房间。 误:He cam e into the room a book in hand. 正:He came into the room with a book in his hand. 例15:我们学校有很多建筑物,例如,一幢教学楼,一座图书馆和一个微机房。 误:There're many building s in our school,such as teaching building,library and a computer room . 正:There're many building s in our school,such as a teaching building,a library and a computer room . 析:用such as列举几个成分时,被列举成分应短小精悍、对称协调。 例16:这就是我们伟大的祖国,一个美丽而又历史悠久的国家。 误:Such is our great motherland,it is a beautiful country with a long history. 正:Such is our great motherland,a beautiful country with a long history. 析:使用such be总结句型时,such be后面常接名词,名词后面再接同位语。 (文/江苏如皋市第一中学亚玲;《英语通》高二版03~04学年度第10期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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