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明星专访 Baobao时尚就是做自己
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/20 09:19  视听英语Ladder AI杂志


Star’s Interview - Baobao

  Baobao came to Beijing to have an interview with Ladder AI magazine. In Beijing, she met some friends and had some interesting dialogues with them.

  Do you still remember Susan-the girl who appeared in the article IT IS WHAT IS INSIDE THAT MATTERS? Do you know that she is Baobao's cousin?! She is a middle school student. She lives in Beijing. The following are the dialogue between her and Baobao.

  Baobao:Hi Susan!Haven't heard you for a long time!

  Susan:Hi Baobao!Yes, we haven't seen each other for such a long time. I've heard your album. It's great!

  Baobao:Thank you. How about you? Is everything ok?

  Susan:No, it's not so good. I had a break out of acne. I'm so afraid to go to school.

  Baobao:Oh, that's a common thing. I had acne too when I was at your age. When you grow up, it will go away. So don't worry about it. Just remember that beauty on the outside is only skin deep. What is really important is your virtue.

  Susan:I know. My fiend Emily told me the same. Thank you. But I wonder how you kept your skin so good.

  Baobao:Well, it's easy. Everyone can have good skin as I do. What you have to do is to sleep early everyday, to drink lots of water, to eat more fruit and vegetables, and above all to keep happy.

  Susan:That's really easy. I can do that too! But I still have a question. You see, I'm fatter than before and I want to keep fit like you did. What should I do? Do you think I should take some medicines to lose weight?

  Baobao:No, never! Those medicines are bad to our health. If you want to lose weight, eat less and exercise more. That's enough.

  Susan:Really? So I don't have to buy those expensive medicines! That's great. Oh, I've seen the pictures in your CD. They are really beautiful and special. How did you do that?

  Baobao:Well, in fact, what I wear are just common clothes. I just organized them in a different way so that they present a different style.

  Susan:That's cool! You seem to be very modern and fashionable. So what do you think about fashion? Do you have any unique idea about it?

  Baobao:In my opinion, fashion is to be yourself. Because fashions come and go, it is hard to keep up with them. So you can just wear in your own style and show your own fashions.

  Susan:What an interesting viewpoint! But I found that you often dressed in a Japanese style. Do you worship Japan or Korea just like the young people do nowadays?

  Baobao:No I don't think so. I like their fashions. But I don't take them as some kind of idols. I love my country. I think it is the best place in the world.

  Susan:Yes. I agree with you. Oh, it's time for my English class. I have to go!

  Baobao:Ok. Hope you enjoy it! Bye!


  Who else did Baobao met after Susan? What did they talk about? Insert the CD-ROM or go to our website to check it out!

明星专访 Baobao时尚就是做自己

  宝宝林宝来到北京接受《视听英语Ladder AI》杂志的采访。在北京她见到了很多朋友,并和她们进行了有趣的谈话。





















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