Key recognition messages for KET and PET | 2004/02/24 14:39 剑桥大学考试委员会 |
·KET and PET are being used by approximately 300 corporations around the world including international companies like Siemens, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Saab, Coca-Cola, GlaxoSmithKline and Cable and Wireless. ·KET and PET are recognised by approximately 100 higher/further education institutions around the world including universities like Universitàdegli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" and Universitàdegli Studi di Pavia in Italy, along with the Universidad de Granada and the Universidad de Valladolid in Spain. ·KET and PET are linked to the Council of Europe's Common European Framework. ·In the UK, KET and PET have been accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum into the National Qualifications Framework. ·PET is recognised by universities in Italy as part of the CampusOne project. The CampusOne project involves 70 universities in Italy who receive funding from the Ministry to participate in international certification in languages aiming at B1 level. ·KET and PET are recognised in Italy for use in schools as part of the National Curriculum. ·In Switzerland, PET is recognised as part of the school leaving examination in the vocational sector. It often counts towards the students final exam mark or sometimes is recorded as an additional achievement on the certificate. ·PET, is being used in secondary schools across a number of regions in Germany as part of projects initiated by the Ministry. ·KET and PET are being used to assess English language ability by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. ·In Austria, the British Council, the Vienna Board of Education, Cambridge ESOL and the Austrian Federation of Industry have collaborated to introduce the KET test to students in the General Secondary Schools in Vienna. ·In the Czech Republic, KET and PET are accepted as language qualifications for middle and senior management public service employees. ·The Hungarian Ministry of Education language examination accreditation board have formally accredited PET. ·The Greek government recognises PET as meeting the English language requirements of government posts, including posts held by designated personnel for the Athens 2004 Olympics. ASEP, the Supreme Council for Personnel Selection in Greece, has confirmed that it recognises Cambridge ESOL exams. |
KET、PET考试认可 |
·KET、PET考试在全世界得到大约300多家国际知名公司的广泛认可,其中包括西门子(Siemens),普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers),通用公司SAAB汽车(Saab),可口可乐(Coca-Cola),葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)以及大东电报局(Cable and Wireless)等。 ·KET、PET考试在全世界超过100多个国家的高等教育机构也得到普遍认可。其中包括意大利的Universitàdegli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"大学和Universitàdegli Studi di Pavia大学,以及西班牙的Universidad de Granada大学和the Universidad de Valladolid大学。 ·KET、PET考试的水平与欧洲委员会设立的语言教学大纲相对应。 ·KET、PET考试已被列入英国国家教学大纲。 ·PET考试在意大利各大学被作为"同一校园"项目的语言标准。意大利?quot;同一校园"项目含盖了接受意大利教育部资助的70所大学。这些大学计划通过参加国际语言认证体系达到欧洲语言B1(PET)水平。 ·KET、PET考试在意大利被作为国家教学大纲的一部份。 ·瑞士将PET考试作为职业类学校的毕业考试。考试成绩经常被作为学生的毕业成绩或作为特殊才能打印在毕业证书上。 ·在德国,PET考试由国家教育部认可,已在大部份地区的中学使用。 ·奥地利商会将KET、PET考试作为其语言能力测试的标准。 ·在奥地利,英国使馆文化教育处、维也纳教育委员会、剑桥大学考试委员会和奥地利工业联合会联合在维也纳的普通高中推行KET考试。 ·捷克共和国将KET、PET考试设为中级和高级公务员的语言水平标准。 ·匈牙利教育部语言鉴定委员会已正式认可PET考试。 ·希腊市政府将PET考试作为政府职员,包括2004年奥运会工作人员的英语语言标准。希腊高级人才选拔委员会也同时认可剑桥大学考试委员会的各项外语考试。 |
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