Will eBooks Replace Traditional Books? |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/09 12:01 视听英语Ladder AI杂志 |
An ebook is an electronic book presented in a digital format. It is a little bigger than a schoolbook. It has several buttons and a display screen for reading. There is an Internet connection port for downloading. You can make a note, browse, or even look up a word in the dictionary while reading. It’s very convenient. Even so, it is believed that it will still not replace the traditional book in the near future. But some big electronic companies such as Microsoft and Amazon have pointed out that it is very cheap to access new reading material using an e-book, so why wouldn’t you have one? |
电子书籍会取代传统书籍吗? |
电子书是一种电子书籍,一种全新的阅读方式。它比普通的课本稍大一点,有几个操作按钮和供阅读的显示屏。在旁边还有一个供下载用的互联网接口。你可以边阅读,边做书评、翻阅、查字典等工作。 它非常方便。尽管如此,一些人仍认为在短时间内它不会取代传统书籍。而一些大的电子公司,如微软、亚马逊等对此深信不已:他们认为如果使用电子书可以非常便宜地获得新的阅读材料,那你为什么不去拥有一本呢? |
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