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Emperor Penguins
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/11 13:56  《英语学习》

  Emperor penguins are the largest of the 17 species, or kinds, of penguins, and they spend their entire lives on the cold Antarctic ice and in its waters.2 They survive—breeding, raising young, and eating—by relying on a number of clever adaptations.3

  Emperors clump together in huge, huddled masses.4 They take turns5 moving to the inside of the group, where they're protected from the icy cold temperatures and wind. Once they've had a chance to warm up, they take their turns back on the circle's edges, giving fellow penguins time in the warmer center.6

  Winter arrives in Antarctica in March. The continent is in the Southern Hemisphere7 and has seasons that are opposite to those in the north. Nearly all creatures leave except for the emperor, the only animal that spends the winter on Antarctica's open8 ice. These flightless birds breed in the winter (unlike most birds, which breed in the springtime).

  After a courtship of several weeks, a female emperor penguin lays one single egg,9 then leaves! Female emperors take off toward the open sea to feed10, traveling up to 50 miles (80 kilometers) across the frozen surface. Where do they leave the eggs? At the feet, literally, of the male emperors.11

  Each penguin egg's father balances it on his feet and covers it with his brood pouch, a very warm layer of feathered skin designed to keep the egg cozy.12 There the males stand, for about 65 days, through icy temperatures, cruel winds, and blinding storms.13 And they eat nothing that whole time.

  Finally, after about two months, the females return from the sea, bringing food they regurgitate, or bring up, to feed the now hatched chicks.14 The males eagerly leave for their own fishing session at sea, and the mothers take over care of the chicks for a while.15 The youngsters stay sheltered16 in their mothers' brood pouches for two months. If a young chick falls out of that warm spot, it can freeze to death in as little as two minutes.

  As the young penguins grow, adults leave them in groups of chicks while they leave to fish. They return with food they regurgitate for their young.

  There is a reason for the timing17 of emperor penguins' hatching. By December, when the Antarctic weather has warmed somewhat, the ice the penguins occupy begins to break up, bringing open waters closer to the nesting sites.18 Now the chicks are at the age of independence—old enough to take to19 the seas and fish for their own food.


  1. emperor penguin/'pe9gw!n/:帝企鹅。

  2. species/'spi:1i:z/: [单复同]种,类;water: [常作~s]水域。

  3. survive:活下来;breed:繁殖,孵(卵);raise:喂养;rely (on):依靠,依赖;a number of:若干,许多;adaptation:适应性的变化。


  5. take turns:依次,轮流。

  6.一旦他们已经得到机会使自己热乎起来了,他们就会依次回到外圈,好让同伴到中间暖和暖和。warm up: (使)暖起来;edge:边,边缘;fellow: a.同伴的。

  7. Southern Hemisphere:南半球。

  8. open:空旷的,开阔的。

  9. courtship: (动物的)求偶;female:雌的,male则为“雄的”;lay:产(卵),下(蛋)。

  10. take off:出发;open:不冻的,未封冻的。

  11. at the feet of sb. / at sb.'s feet:〈口〉在某人的支配下,此处指雄企鹅负责孵蛋;literally:确实地,真正地。这句话还有另一层意思:雄企鹅确实是把蛋放在脚边来孵的。

  12. brood pouch:育仔囊;layer:层;feathered:有羽毛的,覆盖着羽毛的;cozy:温暖舒适的。

  13. cruel:令人极痛苦的;blinding:使盲的,使看不见的;blinding storms:天昏地暗的风暴。

  14. regurgitate/r!'g^:d3!te!t/:反胃,吐出;bring up:呕出,咳出;chick:幼禽。

  15. session: (从事某项活动的)一段时间;take over:接收,接管。

  16. sheltered:被保护不受(暴风雨等)侵袭的。

  17. timing:时间安排,时间选择。

  18. somewhat:有点,稍微;occupy:居住;break up:碎裂,破碎;open:不冻的,未封冻的;site:地方,场所。

  19. take to:去,往。

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