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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第五法则 的士司机的启示

Brian美语第五法则 的士司机的启示
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/12 11:51  新浪教育

  One of our American customers『美国客户』got into a taxi from the airport one day, and as he talked with the driver, he noticed that the driver had very good spoken English, better, in fact, than most of Chinese he ever met! "Where did you learn your English?" he asked. "Oh," he replied, "I never went to secondary school『我中学都没有上过』. I drive a taxi every day, but while I'm driving around, I listen to the English radio stations『英语电台』. And if any English-speaking passenger gets in, I try to start a conversation with them. That's how I learn my English!"

  There are many things which contribute to『贡献』good spoken English, but an important question for you is this: to what extent are your attitudes similar to those of the taxi driver?『你的态度在多大程度上与这为出租车司机相同?』Are you willing to try to start a conversation with an English speaker? Or do you feel as if whenever you try to speak in English, your tongue『舌头』won't behave itself『不听使唤』and you can hardly make a sound?


  1、contribute to:贡献;有助于

  经典例句:Three years of hard work contributed to his promotion today. /三年的兢业工作换来了他今日的升迁。

  2、He won't hahave himself when talking to this beautiful lady. /他跟这位美少妇说话的时候很紧张。

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