Leading the Way |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/18 13:35 空中美语 |
语音讲解: The ice continued to break apart, and the men were forced into their lifeboats. Now, their only hope of survival lay in reaching tiny, uninhabited Elephant Island many miles to the north. During the trip, huge icebergs nearly smashed the boats, and death seemed certain. Almost immediately after reaching Elephant Island, Shackleton and five men set out for South Georgia Island in one of the tiny boats. Shackleton knew that only by reaching the whaling station there could he save his stranded men. After a terrifying 17-day trip through violent seas, Shackleton made it to South Georgia Island. The whalers gasped in disbelief when Shackleton revealed his identity, as the crew of Endurance had long been given up for dead. Extremely concerned about the castaways on Elephant Island, the Boss himself soon returned to rescue them. Miraculously, none of them had died. Shackleton would never have admitted it, but the crew of Endurance owed him their lives. Without his leadership, not one of them would have survived to tell their tale. |
“忍耐号”南极大陆浩劫余生记(下) |
浮冰持续断裂,迫使船员们必须登上救生艇。事到如今,他们存活的惟一希望,就是前往北方数英里外那座面积狭小、渺无人烟的象岛。在前往象岛途中,巨型的冰山几乎把救生艇撞碎,船上的人看起来必死无疑。一抵达象岛后,雪克顿和五名船员立即搭乘其中一艘救生艇,启程前往南乔治亚岛。雪克顿知道,惟有抵达那里的捕鲸站,困于绝境之中的船员们才能得救。 在怒海中航行了17个惊心动魄的日子之后,雪克顿终于到达南乔治亚岛。当他表明自己的身份时,捕鲸人发出了难以置信的惊呼,因为“忍耐号”的船员早已被认定全数罹难。由于极度关心受困于象岛上的船员们,这位老大自己马上重返该处去解救他们。奇迹般的,没有任何人死去。雪克顿或许一直都没有承认,但“忍耐号”上的每个船员都欠他一条命。如果不是他的领导,没人能够活着回来讲述这个故事。 Vocabulary 1.survival n. the act of staying alive despite danger生还;存活 For human beings, survival in space is impossible without special equipment. 若无太空装备,人类是绝不可能在太空中生存的。 2.smash v. to make sth. break into many pieces冲破;砸碎 The boy threw a rock and smashed the window. 男孩丢了一颗石头,把窗户砸碎了。 3.gasp v. to make a sudden noise from fear, pain, surprise, etc喘气;喘息 When she suddenly came face to face with the ghost, Marie gasped in horror. 当玛丽亲眼看见鬼时,惊吓得倒抽一口冷气。 4.identity n. who sb. is身份 Now that the police know the killer’s identity, they are getting close to catching him. 警方既已掌握了这名杀手的身份,要将他逮捕归案也就指日可待了。 5.rescue v. to save sb./sth. from death, injury, etc.解救;救出 A fireman rescued the two small children from the burning building. 一名消防队员从陷入火海的大楼中救出两名小孩。 6.leadership n. the ability to guide other people领导;指挥 Michael has great leadership skills, like knowing how to give orders and how to gain people’s trust. 麦克极具领导才能,比如他知道如何发号施令,及如何赢得他人的信任。 More Information 1.uninhabited adj.无人居住的 2.iceberg n.冰山 3.whaling station n.捕鲸站(whaler指捕鲸者) 4.give sb./sth. up for dead v. phr.相信……已经死亡 5.castaway n.因船难而受困荒岛的人 |
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