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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > “忍耐号”南极大陆浩劫余生记(下)

Leading the Way
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/18 13:35  空中美语


  The ice continued to break apart, and the men were forced into their lifeboats. Now, their only hope of survival lay in reaching tiny, uninhabited Elephant Island many miles to the north. During the trip, huge icebergs nearly smashed the boats, and death seemed certain. Almost immediately after reaching Elephant Island, Shackleton and five men set out for South Georgia Island in one of the tiny boats. Shackleton knew that only by reaching the whaling station there could he save his stranded men.

  After a terrifying 17-day trip through violent seas, Shackleton made it to South Georgia Island. The whalers gasped in disbelief when Shackleton revealed his identity, as the crew of Endurance had long been given up for dead. Extremely concerned about the castaways on Elephant Island, the Boss himself soon returned to rescue them. Miraculously, none of them had died. Shackleton would never have admitted it, but the crew of Endurance owed him their lives. Without his leadership, not one of them would have survived to tell their tale.





  1.survival n. the act of staying alive despite danger生还;存活

  For human beings, survival in space is impossible without special equipment.


  2.smash v. to make sth. break into many pieces冲破;砸碎

  The boy threw a rock and smashed the window.


  3.gasp v. to make a sudden noise from fear, pain, surprise, etc喘气;喘息

  When she suddenly came face to face with the ghost, Marie gasped in horror.


  4.identity n. who sb. is身份

  Now that the police know the killer’s identity, they are getting close to catching him.


  5.rescue v. to save sb./sth. from death, injury, etc.解救;救出

  A fireman rescued the two small children from the burning building.


  6.leadership n. the ability to guide other people领导;指挥

  Michael has great leadership skills, like knowing how to give orders and how to gain people’s trust.


  More Information

  1.uninhabited adj.无人居住的

  2.iceberg n.冰山

  3.whaling station n.捕鲸站(whaler指捕鲸者)

  4.give sb./sth. up for dead v. phr.相信……已经死亡

  5.castaway n.因船难而受困荒岛的人

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