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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > FLASH“知”性英语 > In the library

In the library
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/29 13:47  English88


  Wang Hai: What kind of book have you got?

  Zhang Hua: A children's story book. What's your book about?

  Wang Hai: It's science fiction. It's about man's future life.

  Zhang Hua: Which book is more interesting?

  Wang Hai: It's hard to say. Some people think science fiction is more interesting than children's stories, but others may prefer children's stories to science fiction.

  Zhang Hua: Right. But I know many people like detective stories.

  Wang Hai: I like detective stories, too. They are the most interesting stories of all. But we must read different kinds of books.

  Zhang Hua: I agree.

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