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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/31 08:57  英语辅导报

  1. I wonder if I could...

  -I wonder if I could smoke here.我不知道能不能在这里抽烟.

  -I'm sorry, but_______it's_______ not allowed. ( Of course/ Sure. Go ahead.)对不起,不允许的.(当然可以,请吧.)

  2. I (We) don't think( believe, suppose) that...

  I don't think what he said is true, is it?我认为他说的是不真实的,是不是?

  3. It is (was) + n. / adj. (for sb. ) to do sth.

  It is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye.不说声再见就走是不礼貌的.

  It is necessary for us to have our car repaired.我们有必要找人把我们的汽车修理一下.

  4.主语+ is ( are) said to do sth.

  He is said to be good at singing. ( =It is said that he is good at singing. )据说他善于唱歌.

  You are said to have got some tickets for the concert. ( =It is said that you have got some tickets for the concert.)据说你已经弄到音乐会的票了.

  5. There is ( was ) (no)...left for (doing) sth.

  There is a little money left for food ( for buying food).还有一点钱买食物.

  There was no time for discussion.没有时间讨论了.

  6. It seems (seemed) as if...

  It seems as if there will be a heavy rain soon.好像就要有一场大雨.

  It seemed as if he knew nothing about it.好像他对这件事一无所知.

  7. as...as +主语+ can( could)

  Start as early as you can.你要尽可能早地动身.

  He made as many friends as he could in London.他在伦敦广交朋友.


  The house built last year was destroyed in the earthquake.去年造的那座房子在地震中被破坏了.

  The young man dressed in blue is our manager.穿蓝衣服的那个年轻人是我们的经理.

  9. as in +名词

  In 1957, as in 1940, thousands of people were killed in the flood.在1957年,就像在1940年,几千人在洪水中丧生.

  As in the last experiment, he again got the same result.如在上次实验中一样,他又获得了相同的结果.

  10. There seems (seemed) to be...

  There seems to be something wrong with the TV set.电视机好像有问题.

  There seemed to be a pool nearby ten years ago.十年前在这附近好像有一个池塘.

  11. To do such...+名词(as...)

  To ask such silly questions!你竟然问起这样一些愚蠢的问题.

  To believe such people as Tom and Jack!你竟然相信像汤姆和杰克这样的人.

  12. What's ( was) worse

  I am feeling very hungry. What's worse,I have no money on me.我感觉很饿,更糟的是,我没有带钱.

  13. If...had+过去分词,...would have +过去分词...(与过去事实相反的虚拟语气)

  If you had got up earlier, you would have caught the train.如果你早点起床的话,你就赶上了这班火车.


  The thief hid himself in the corner, afraid of being caught.小偷躲在角落里,怕被人抓住.

  We watched the houses being destroyed by the storm, helpless.我们看着房子正在被暴风雨摧毁,无能为力.

  15. It is ( was, will be ) +时间段+ before从句

  It will be several months before they are fit for the work.还要好几个月时间他们才能适应这项工作.

  It was a long time before he got out of hospital.过了很长时间他才出院.


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