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大学英语课外阅读学习篇:Body Idioms
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/02 13:40  英语辅导报

  1. break someone's heart ( upset someone greatly )伤心,心碎

  She broke his heart when she left him.她离开他时他心都碎了。

  2. have the heart to do sth. ( be able to do sth. courageously )有勇气做某事

  I didn't have the heart to tell him he'd failed.我没有勇气告诉他失败了。

  3. a heart of gold ( be a very kind person )心地善良

  She always likes to help others-she has a heart of gold.她总是很愿意帮助别人,她心地真好。

  4. get out of hand ( become impossible to manage )无法控制

  You'll have to deal with this problem before it gets out of hand.在这个问题变得不可收拾之前你必须处理好。

  5. know sth. like the palm of one's hand ( know something extremely well )知道得很清楚,了如指掌

  He knows London like the palm of his hand.他对伦敦市了如指掌。

  6. have one's hands full ( be very busy )忙得不可开交,手头事很多

  With small children to take care of, Mary has her hands full.由于要照顾小孩,玛丽忙得不可开交。

  7. in hand (under control )在掌握中,在控制下

  He had himself in hand.他控制了自己。

  8. live hand to mouth ( only earn some money for food )现挣现吃,仅够糊口

  After he lost his job, he had to live hand to mouth for a couple of months.他失业后,有几个月只得勉强对付着过日子。

  9. give a hand ( help someone )给予帮助

  He has always been willing to give a hand to anyone who asked.任何人有求于他,他总是乐于帮助。

  10. get someone in the palm of one's hand ( have influence over someone )完全掌握某人,完全控制某人

  He's got her in the palm of his hand and she'll do anything.他完全控制了她--她干什么都愿意。

  11. be caught red-handed ( be caught doing something bad )当场被发现正在做坏事

  The pickpocket was caught red-handed.那个扒手当场被捕。

  12. keep one's fingers crossed ( wish something for someone )祈求好运

  Keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow-it's my job interview.明天我要求职面试,祝我好运。

  13. under one's thumb ( control someone )受某人支配,在某人的控制下

  She's got him under her thumb-he won't do anything without asking her first.她使他俯首听命,要是不先问她他不会做任何事。

  14. twist someone's arm( force someone to do sth.)强迫某人(做某事)

  I didn't want to go out, but he twisted my arm.我原本不想出去,但他硬要我出去。

  15. have itchy feet ( can not settle down in one place )渴望到处走动

  She's going off traveling again-she's got really itchy feet.她又打算去旅行,她真是安顿不下来。



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