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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > NEPCS2003高三组决赛选择填空题解析(II)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/12 17:30  英语辅导报

  I.选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分)


  1.Is this company ____ you once worked for?

  A.that B.the one

  C.in which D.where

  2.-Do you smoke?

  -No,I don't. And it's been a couple of years

  since I ____.

  A.smoked B.were smoked

  C.was smoked D.smokes

  3. ____ is well known to us all is that

  China Daily is one of the English newspa-

  pers in China.

  A.AsB.ItC.Which D.What

  4.-I'm going to go back to your hometown. Do you have anything ____ to your parents?

  -No,thanks. I just came back from there two days ago.

  A.to take B.taken

  C.to be taken D.being taken

  5.Lucia,as well as her parents,____ a great job in the fight against SARS.

  A.were doing B.has done

  C.are doing D.is used to do

  6.Why didn't you tell me the meeting had been cancelled?I ____ have got up early in the morning.

  A.mayn't B.mustn't

  C.can't D.needn't

  7.The teacher insisted that the boy nothing wrong and ____ blamed.

  A.has done;hadn't been

  B.should do;shouldn't be

  C.had done;should not be


  8.Amelia saw ____ airplane for ____ first time at ____ fair when she was 8 years

  old. She was disappointed by ____ experience.

  A.an;/; the;/ B./;the;a;an


  9.The projects have been ____ discussion a month now,but the decision has

  not yet been made.

  A.in;over B.at;in

  C.on;from D.under;for

  10.Only when ____ to take off ____ that she had left her handbag at her office.

  A.the airbus began;did she realize

  B.did the airbus begin;she realized

  C.the airbus began;she realized

  D.did the airbus begin;did she realize

  11.Hilary:How about going to the town pool now,Joan?Or we could always swim at the lake.

  Joan:____ . What would you prefer to do?

  Hilary:I think I'd prefer to go to the town pool.

  A.It doesn't make any difference to me

  B.I'm afraid I have to do my homework

  C.Okay. That's fine with me____

  D.Good idea. I'll call you in the morning

  12.Joseph:You are looking so happy.

  Robert:Well,actually,I have some good news.


  Robert:I just got a big pay raise.

  Joseph:You did? ____

  A.That's wonderful!;That's grea!

  B.Something wrong with you?It's extremely good!

  C.What's new?Congratulations!

  D.How is it going?That's nothing.

  13. -The sale ends on Sunday.

  -Excuse me,Mr. Craig,but ____


  -No,sir. Actually,the sale ends on Saturday.


  A.it's on Tuesday.;Thank you very much.

  B.I hope not.;Great job. You are the man.

  C.that isn't right.;Thanks for calling that to my attention.

  D.how about Monday?You are correct!

  14.Through the good offices of a friend,I was able to get a ticket.

  The underlined phrase means "____".

  A.asking office boys B.with kind help from

  C.requesting people with good position

  D.entering the offices with

  15.Recent research has thrown light on the causes of the disease,which made them more confident.The underlined phrase means "____ ".

  A.is in the light ofB.had...hopeless

  C.has puzzled...out D.has made...clear


  16.The first time I experienced a problem with ____ was on my fortieth birthday.

  A.life B.age C.work D.sleep

  17.Much ____,it was a deeply unpleasant


  A.the same B.for long C.to my surprise D.with pleasure

  18.Forty seemed to be so much older than 39. I ____ like it when people told me I looked young for my age.

  A.got used to B.was used to

  C.was getting used to D.used to

  19. ____ then I realized that they were just telling me how old I was.

  A.So B.But C.As D.Otherwise

  20.Anyway,I slowly ____ the shock and tried to persuade myself that life begins at 40...

  A.got over B.put up C.came over D.dealt with


  1. B。该句的主语是this company,由此可知句子缺少表语,故答案为the one,后面的you once worked for为定语从句,修饰先行词the one。

  2. A。"It has been/is+一段时间+since"是一个常用的句型,since从句中的谓语动词应用一般过去时态,表示动作已经结束。

  3. D。一般说来,在主语从句、表语从句和宾语从句中,如果缺少主语、宾语或表语等成分时,常用what(指物)或who(指人)来引出从句。注意:"众所周知"常用如下句式表达:①As we all know, ...②As is known to us all, ...③It is known to us all that...④What is known to us all is that...

  4. C。不定式作定语时,若不定式与最近的名词(或代词)有动宾关系,又与句中另一个名词(或代词)有主谓关系,常用主动形式;但是如果没有这种主谓关系,不定式常用被动形式。根据语境可知,东西将被带给父母,可排除B、D,因为只有不定式表示将来;另外,不定式与anything存在动宾关系,但与you不存在主谓关系,故答案为C。

  5. B。主语后跟有as well as等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单复数形式通常按主语的单复数而定,所以首先排除A、C。be used to do意为"被用来做……",不合题意,故B为最佳答案。

  6. D。needn't have done意为"本来没必要……",根据句意可知D为本题的答案。

  7. C。insist作"坚持,坚持主张"解时,宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语用"should+动词原形";当它作"坚持说"解时,从句不用虚拟语气。可见C为最佳答案,该句句意为:老师坚持说那孩子没做错事,(坚持主张孩子)不应该受责备。

  8. C。第一个空泛指"一架飞机",填an;第二个空填the,for the first time为固定搭配,意为"第一次";第三个空是泛指,填a,表示"在一次航展中";第四个空是特指,填the,表示"那次经历"。

  9. D。under discussion为固定搭配,意为"在讨论中"。for表示"(时间等)达……,计……",此处for a month意为"长达一个月的时间"。

  10. A。本题考查倒装。"Only+状语(从句)"放句首时,主句用倒装语序,而从句不倒装。

  11. A。上文提到"去游泳池如何?要不然我们就得在湖里游泳。"可知这是在征求对方的意见,所以答案为A,"对我来说,去哪儿都行,没有什么区别。"接着又反问"What would you prefer to do?"使得前后连贯,语句流畅。

  12. C。What's new?是人们见面时常用的情景会话用语,意为"有什么好消息?"当我们听到对方有好消息时,常向对方表示恭贺,故用Congratulations!

  13. C。根据提示语Oh?可知第一个空应填that isn't right。当对方为你的错误作出纠正时,你应向对方表示谢意,故C为最佳答案。

  14. B。根据语境可知,through the good offices of sb.意为"由于某人的帮忙",故答案为B。

  15. D。根据语境可知,throw light on sth.意为"使某事清楚明白地显示出来",故D为最佳答案。而in the light of意为"按照,根据,当作",不合题意。

  16. B。根据下文可知,此处指"年龄问题"。

  17. C。much to one's surprise意为"使某人大为吃惊的是"。

  18. D。根据语境可知,此处应表示"过去常常……",故最佳答案为D。

  19. B。根据行文逻辑可知,此处表示语意转折。

  20. A。get over克服(困难、偏见等),从……中恢复过来;put up举起,搭起,张贴;come over过来,顺便拜访;deal with处理。根据语境可知,此处表示"我慢慢地从这种震惊中恢复过来。"


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