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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《非关男孩》只关成长(下)

About Growing Up (下)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/13 16:17  空中美语



  At first, Will is displeased by Marcus’insistent attempts to make friends with him. Recognizing that he needs a larger support network, the boy views Will as an ally2 the only person he has to confide in about his troubles.

  Marcus is so wrapped up in his mother’s crises that he has had no time to develop his own interests. What’s worse, his unfashionable clothes and odd habits have alienated him from his peers. Desperate to be popular, Marcus is completely clueless about what’s cool. Fortunately for him,“coolness”is Will’s major concern. Up-to-date on all the latest trends in music and fashion, Will becomes a fountain of advice for the young boy.

  For the first time in his life, Will is doing something for someone else’s benefit. As his heart warms to Marcus, he starts to understand that taking responsibility can make life more satisfying. About a Boy is the story of how Will and Marcus’unusual friendship transforms them both.

  More Information

  1.insistent adj.坚持的;执拗的

  2.confide in sb. v. phr.向……吐露心事

  3.alienate v.使疏远;使疏离

  4.clueless adj.对……一窍不通;对……一无所知





英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭
1. displease

v. 使不高兴;使生气

2. ally

n. 支持者;盟友

3. be/get wrapped up in sb./sth.

v. 全神贯注于……

4. peer

n. 同龄人

5. warm to sb./sth.


6. unusual

adj. 不寻常的


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