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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 小学英语课外辅导篇:Test For This Week

小学英语课外辅导篇:Test For This Week
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/27 13:32  英语辅导报




  1.Can't you spell these words?

  2.How many books can you see?

  3.May I have a look at your computer?

  4.What colour is your jacket?

  5.There's a light in our classroom.


  1. ______ is your grandmother?

  2.A:Where's my bike? B:It's ______.

  3.There's ______ and some books ______ .

  4.What colour is ______ ?



  A : Dinner's ready!

  B: Look! I can use chopsticks.

  A: What would you like?

  B: Bread, please.

  A: _______.

  B: _______ .

  I.Mimi摘苹果规矩多,哪个苹果装哪篮由它定(根据苹果上的单词的划线字母的读音将苹果装入篮筐中): (16%)



  1.My trousers is big and long. __________

  A B C D

  2.-What time is it? -It's half pass eight. __________

  A B C D

  3.-What's English for "早上"?- It's "morning". __________

  A B C D

  4.-When is Chinese National day? -Tomorrow,10.1. __________

  A B C D

  5.-Where is the girl? -She's school. __________

  A B C D


  1.-_______ is Children's Day?

  -June 1st.

  2.-_______ are you in?

  -I'm in Class 3, Grade 4.

  3.-_______ is your father?

  -He is here.

  4.-_______ is that in Picture 10?

  -She's my good friend.

  5.-_______ is the deer?

  -It's two.

  6.-_______ students are there in your class?



  Listening Part

  I.1.Do sports.

  2.Open the door.

  3.Sit in the sofa.

  4.Show me your pen.

  5.Play computer games. (4,5,1,2,3)


  1.these words

  2.can you see

  3.have a look at your computer

  4.your jacket

  5.in our classroom (圈词略)

  III.1.How old is your grandmother?

  2. A :Where s my bike?

  B: It's under the tree.

  3.There's a bag and some books in the desk.

  4.What colour is your skirt?

  IV. A: Dinner's ready!

  B: Look! I can use chopsticks.

  A: What would you like?

  B: Bread, please.

  A: Here you are.

  B: Many thanks.(画图略)

  Writing Part

  I.[ei]grade, airplane

  [A]black, thank

  [ai]white, bike

  [i]drink, English

  [Eu]coke, go

  [R]from, sorry

  [i:]evening, Peter

  [e]dress, yellow

  II. 1. C, are

  2. D, past

  3. B, the English

  4. C, Day

  5. D, in the school

  III. 1. When

  2. What class

  3. Where

  4. Who

  5. How old

  6. How many


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