英语辅导:怎样做好英语书面表达表格提示题 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/27 13:19 英语辅导报 |
一、写作指导 英语书面表达题是"指导性写作",要求根据所提供的情景写一篇100词左右的短文.所提供情景的形式有图画、表格、提纲、短文等.其中1996,2001,2002年高考题为表格提示题,应引起同学们的高度重视.这种题型主要具备以下特点: 1.表格提示题涉及题材广泛,如人物介绍、地点介绍、新闻报道等;体裁多种多样,包括应用文(如书信、日记、通知、发言稿)、说明文、记叙文等. 2.与看图作文不同,表格提示一目了然,需要表达的信息一览无遗.答题时无须花过多的时间去琢磨写作内容,一般要点不会被遗漏. 3.与汉语提示作文不同,表格中通常是以不完整的汉语句子(包括术语或概括性短语)作为提示的,既能够让考生获得命题人所要求的信息,又留给考生一定的发挥空间.因而要求考生具备很强的驾驭语言能力以及较强的语篇整合技能. 综观表格式书面表达题的命题特点及考试要求,笔者认为答题时应注意以下几点: 1)注意格式,避免"填表式"表达. 表格提示题虽以表格作为提示,但要求以"短文"的形式(包括不同文体)来表达.答题时应注意不同文体的格式.切忌将短文写成"履历表".例如在表达人物姓名及出生年月时,个别同学将其表达为: Name: Li Hua Time of birth: 1977. 2 Place of birth: Liaoning Dalian 上述"填表式"表达显得滑稽可笑,显然不符合考试要求.正确的表达应为: My name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province in February 1977.(1996高考范文) 2)灵活变通,避免"硬译式"表达. 首先,表格中的汉语提示简洁凝练,概括性强,表达时切忌逐字逐句翻译,简单罗列提示要点.必要时还要做灵活调整或进行补充.这样做的目的是将所要求写的内容准确、完整地表达出来.如: (1)业余爱好:游泳、滑冰、集邮、流行音乐. 罗列表达:Hobbies: swimming, skating, collecting stamps, pop music.(劣) 机械表达:My hobbies are swimming, skating, collecting stamps, pop music.(劣) 灵活表达:In my spare time I enjoy listening to pop music and collecting stamps. My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.(优/1996高考范文) (2)内容:白天:上课、做作业 晚上:做作业 机械重复式:In the daytime, we took lessons and had to do our homework. In the evening, we had to do our homework.(劣) 灵活变通式:We have to go to school even at weekends and do much homework both in the daytime and in the evening.(优/2001高考范文) 其次,遇到较为抽象、复杂的汉语提示时,应善于变通,可采用转换手段将汉语提示中的"雅词妙句"转换为较 为通俗的汉语,然后再用地道的英语将其表达出来.如: (1)校园环境幽雅,绿树成荫. 转换表达:It is quiet in our school and there are a lot of trees in it. / Our school is quiet with a lot of trees in it. (2)影响:广为人知,深受青睐(某英文报刊). 机械表达:The newspaper is widely known and deeply loved by people.(劣) 转换表达:It is a well-known newspaper, which is very popular with students and English learners.(优) 另外,由于英语与汉语在语序上存有较大差异,在用英语表达时应调整好语序,以避免出现汉语式英语.如: 汉语提示:工厂发展情况:近十年发生巨变. 错误表达:In the past ten years the mill has taken place great changes. 语序调整:Great changes have taken place in this mill in the past ten years. 3)注意衔接,避免"单句式"表达. 高考书面表达不同于单句翻译.有些同学表达时只注意了单个句子的完整性,而忽略了句子与句子之间的衔接以及整个语篇的连贯性,致使全文逻辑性不强,可读性差.试比较: 原句:60% of the students think that fees should not be charged, ...40% of the students think that fees should be charged, ...(劣) 修正:Opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fee. ...On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged, ...(优/2002高考范文) 分析:原句缺少必要的过渡,句式重复,读起来单调、呆板;修正句巧妙地使用了过渡成分,前后连贯,结构紧凑.在表达方式上前后有所变化,因而收到了满意的表达效果. 4)注意写作顺序,避免"唯序式"表达. 表达时切忌千篇一律,完全按照表格内容出现的先后顺序来写.应从语篇角度统筹安排所要表达的内容.必要时在表达顺序上可做适当调整,目的是使全文重点突出,通顺连贯. 二、写作实践 I.题目要求: 红星棉纺厂(Hongxing Cotton Mill)是对外开放企业,目前正准备引进外资,扩大规模.下列图表反映出该厂近十年发生的变化.请根据下表内容,用英语为该厂写一篇简介,以吸引国外投资者向该厂投资.
注意:1.词数:100左右;2.可适当发挥,但要合情合理;3.生词提示:invest(投资). II.写作提示 本文可以采用对比的方式来说明工厂情况.表达时应合理使用表示前后对比的词和短语,如but, however, while, on the contrary等.其次,在表达方式上应注意灵活表达,要避免前后重复. 1.确定要点: (1)工厂发展情况;(2)工人人数对比;(3)厂房情况对比;(4)年利润对比;(5)产品种类对比;(6)设备更新情况;(7)欢迎外商投资. 2.各要点所用词、短语及句式: (1)develop / take place / great changes / in the past ten years (2)have / there be / as many as... / the number of... is... (3)have / own / there be (4)make money / as much as... / 7 times as much as... (5)there be / produce (6)take the place of / change for (7)be welcome / invest / foreign investment 将上述所列出的词、短语等扩展成句.注意时态、语态的正确运用并适当使用一些连接成分将所列的语句连成完整的语篇.全文应结构紧凑,前后连贯. III.参考答案 Great changes have taken place in Hongxing Cotton Mill in the past ten years. It had only 400 workers in 1993, but there are as many as 3,000 now. Now the mill has 75 workshops, but there were only 20 ten years ago. Now the total amount of money the mill makes in a year has reached as much as 28,000,000 yuan, which is 7 times the amount of 1993. In 1993, there were only 9 kinds of products, but today the mill can produce more than 20 kinds. What's more, the mill has got rid of the old equipment and introduced much advanced, scientific equipment. Foreign investments are welcome. (文/徐晓峰丛海舟《英语通》高二版2004年第2期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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